Ilusa haljastusega populaarne perepuhkuseks sobiv hotell. Lai liivarand, suured basseinid, veepark, laste mänguväljak, lunapark. Sobib puhkuseks koos lastega. Samuti sobib aktiivseks puhkuseks.


Asub 75 km kaugusel Antalya lennujaamast, 12 km Manavgati linnast, Kızılağaç külas, mere ääres.

Ehitatud 1993. aastal, üldpindala 132 000 m2, viimati renoveeritud 2015. aastal. (muudeti välisfassaadi, uuendati vannitube ja tubade sisustust). 2019. aastal uuendati peahoone numbritoad, 2020. aastal renoveeriti Club Dublex numbritoad.

Hotell koosneb ühest 4-korruselisest Hotel hoonest, 62-st 2-korruselisest Club hoonest ja neljast 2-korruselisest Select Villast. Kokku 688 numbrituba.


86 Hotel Standard Room (neist 49 Hotel Standard Room Sea View tuba on merevaatega, kahene voodi, ühene voodi ja diivanvoodi, max. 3+1 in., 29 m2);

45 kahetasandilist Hotel Duplex Family (neist 26 Duplex Family Sea View on merevaatega, 1. tasandil: ilma ukseta magamistuba, 2 ühest voodit, dušš; 2. tasandil: magamistuba ilma ukseta, kahene voodi, max. 4+1 in., 44 m2).


422 Club Standard Room (kahene voodi, ühene voodi ja diivanvoodi või 2 ühest voodit ja diivanvoodi, max. 3+1 in., 24-28 m2);

77 kahetasandilist Club Duplex Family Room (2 ühest voodit ja dušiga vannituba – 1.korrusel, mööda treppi saab teisele korrusele; teisel korrusel: 1 kahene voodi, dušiga vannituba, tubadevaheline uks, max. 4+1 in., 40 m2).


Select Villa (Select Villa territooriumil on oma bassein, lõõgastumisala ja baar-restoran):

11 ühetoalist Select Standard Room (1 kahene voodi, 1 ühene voodi ja 1 diivan, kõik toad asuvad 1. korrusel, rõduga toad otsepääsuga basseini äärde, max. 3 in., 30 m2);

25 kahetasandilist Select Duplex Family Room (1. korrusel – 2 ühest voodit ja dušiga vannituba, mööda sisetreppi saab teisele korrusele,  2. korrus – kahene voodi, dušiga vannituba, vaheuks; kõik toad asuvad 2. korrusel, rõdult saab mööda treppi otse basseini äärde, max. 4+1 in., 50 m2);

11 kahetoalist Select Junior Suite (elutuba, uksega magamistuba, magamistoas on  1 kahene voodi, 1 ühene voodi, elutoas – diivan ja tugitoolid; kõik toad asuvad  1. korrusel, rõdult on otsepääs basseini äärde, max. 3+1 in., 45 m2);

11 kahetasandilist kolmetoalist Select Senior Suite (2 magamistuba, 1 elutuba ja 2 vannituba; 1. korrus: 1 magamistuba (1 kahene voodi, 1 ühene voodi), 1 elutuba ja 1 vannituba, 2. korrus: 1 magamistuba (2 ühest voodit), 1 vannituba, tubadevaheliste ustega numbrituba; kõik toad asuvad 2. korrusel, rõdult saab mööda treppi otse basseini äärde, max. 5 in., 65 m2).

Majutus lemmikloomaga: ei


  •  seif: toas,: tasuta
  •  tubade koristamine: igapäevaselt
  •  voodipesu vahetus: 3 korda nädalas
  •  põrand: laminaat
  •  veekeetja
  •  televiisor: olemas (kaabel-tv)
  •  rõdu (6 tuba prantsuse rõduga, Hotel)
  •  dušš (Anex, Club, Select Villa)
  •  föön: olemas
  •  konditsioneer: üld (töötab teatud aegadel)
  •  minibaar (vesi, karastusjoogid – täidetakse igapäevaselt): tasuta
  •  telefon
  •  Internet: Wi-Fi,: tasuta


  •  Lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud ja madratsid rannas:: tasuta
  •  kai
  •  rätikud rannas:: tasuta
  •  rannabaar:: tasuta
  •  oma
  •  liiva-kiviklibune


  •  restoranid: 1 (pearestoran, Select Restaurant Select Villa klientidele)
  •  baarid: 8
  •  sisebasseinid: 1
  •  basseinid: 6 (avatud)
  •  spaa-keskus
  •  konverentsisaalid: 3 (125-350 inimesele)
  •  rannarätikud basseini ääres:: tasuta
  •  A la carte restoranid: 3 (mehhiko, hiina, kala – eelbroneerimisel, tasulised)
  •  arstikabinet: 
  •  kondiitriäri
  •  pesumaja
  •  Wi-Fi: tasuta
  •  veepark (7 veeliumäge täiskasvanutele, 7 veeliumäge lastele)
  •  miniloomaaed
  •  ilusalong: 
  •  päikesevarjud, lamamistoolid ja madratsid basseini ääres:: tasuta
  •  juuksur
  •  kauplused
  •  snäkkbaar

Meelelahutus ja sport

  •  jalgpalliväljak: tasuta
  •  iluprotseduurid: 
  •  mänguautomaadid: 
  •  petang: tasuta
  •  õhtune show: tasuta
  •  lauajalgpall: 
  •  saun: tasuta
  •  aurusaun: tasuta
  •  noolemäng: tasuta
  •  tenniseväljaku valgustus: 
  •  videomängud: 
  •  piljard: 
  •  vibulaskmine: tasuta
  •  elav muusika: tasuta
  •  veesport: 
  •  massaaž: 
  •  tennise reketide ja pallide rent: tasuta
  •  türgi saun (hammam): tasuta
  •  korvpall: tasuta
  •  diskoteek: tasuta
  •  mullivann: tasuta
  •  minigolf: tasuta
  •  jõusaal: tasuta
  •  vesipiip: 
  •  rannavõrkpall: tasuta
  •  meelelahutusprogramm: tasuta
  •  lauatennis: tasuta
  •  vesiaeroobika: tasuta
  •  sukeldumiskursused: 
  •  võrkpall: tasuta
  •  tenniseväljak (5 kõvakattega): tasuta


  •  miniklubi (4–11 a.)
  •  lapsehoidja teenus:: 
  •  mänguväljak
  •  veeliumäed: 7
  •  teismeliste klubi
  •  minidisko
  •  laste basseinid: 2
  •  lõbustuspark: tasuta
  •  laste puhvet

Imikud (8 kuud – 3 a.)

  •  lapsevanker:: 


  •  AI


  •  Hotel Standard Room Land View
  •  Select Senior Suite
  •  Club Dublex Family Room
  •  Hotel Dublex Family Land View
  •  Hotel Dublex Family Room Sea View
  •  Select Standart Room
  •  Select Dublex Family Room
  •  Select Junior Suite
  •  Club Standard Room
  •  Hotel Standard Room Sea View

IP SELECT VILLA numbritubade tasuta pakutavate teenuste pakett:

  • vastuvõtt retseptsioonis, personaalne registreering, hotelliinfo edastamine, külastaja saatmine kuni toani.
  • numbritoast otsepääs basseini äärde; lamamistoolid ja päikesevarjud
  • Select Villa külastajatele on rannas Beach Pavilion – jookide serveerimine ja 2 korda päevas jäätis
  • Select Villa restoranis pakutakse hommikusöögi, lõuna ja õhtusöögi menüüd
  • Tasuta kohalikud ja import alkohoolsed joogid
  • Minibaar (Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Õlu ja Vesi). Minibaari täidetakse iga päev
  • Saabumise päeval pudel vahuveini ja vein. Igapäevaselt numbrituppa: taldrik puuviljadega, balkava, kuivatatud puuviljad, pähklid.
  • Tee-kohv
  • A’La Carte  restoranis eelisbroneerimise õigus
  • Numbritoas ja vannitoas lõikelilled
  • Õhtul Turn down teenus (numbritoa ettevalmistus öö-uneks), ajalehed numbrituppa. Numbritoas on rannarätikud, iga päev vahetatakse.
  • Ainult Select puhkajatele on Select hotellialal: kõik alkoholivabad ja alkohoolsed joogid ning osa import alkohoolseid jooke tasuta, Select restoranis ja Select baaris teenindus)
  • oma: Select Villa bassein, Select A’la Carte Restoran. Select eraldi tsoon rannas ja ainult Select puhkajatele
  • 50% allahindlustн pesumaja ja triikimise teenusele (keemiline puhastus teenuses ei sisaldu)
  • Select Villa tubades (hommikumantlid, sussid, pesukäsn, jalatsipuhastuskäsn, seep, hambapesuvahendid, vannitoas lilled, vannisool, vatipadjad, kamm, habemeajamisžilett)

Noorpaaride pakett: Puuviljakorv ja vahuvein – saabumisel numbrituppa, “Magus tervitus”, kaunistatud voodi, hommikumantlid ja sussid, VIP kosmeetikavahendid, üks kord puhkeperioodi kestel hommikusöök kahele Select Villa restoranis

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Turan Prince World Hotel
Based on 4883 reviews
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Mevlüt GülMevlüt Gül
20:01 16 Jul 24
andreea sandreea s
18:32 16 Jul 24
The music from this hotel is very very very loud after 23 and it stops after 2 o' clock in the morning. There are a lot of families with children and they can't sleep. Avoid this hotel!!!!!!Children go to sleep at 22. Absolutely horrible near this hotel and Impossible to rest because of their disco on the beach. Horrible management if they can't understand that people come here with small children. If we, adults want noise and to party we go to Ibiza.AVOID THIS HOTEL AT ALL COST!
Gina GrieschatGina Grieschat
12:39 16 Jul 24
I can only recommend this hotelEverything was fine. It's really nice there
Adem AtalayAdem Atalay
10:41 16 Jul 24
Adela ArdeleanuAdela Ardeleanu
05:03 16 Jul 24
It is a nice Resort, the food variety is impressive and the quality also.Here you will find something to do at all hours, there are lots of fitness programs, mini zoo, playgrounds at every corner.Resort Employers are very nice and always find a solution to your complain.The rooms are nice and clean.Some minus are:- is dedicated just to russian people, the child and night entertainment Programs and also live Music are in Russian language and nothing in english, it is dissapointing;- the water in the baby/children pool is colder the the sea water;- the doors are so thin that you hear everything from outside your room;- the pillows need to be changed, they are very unconfortable.The entertainment Programs are running until midnight so if you look for silence and peace you won’t find it here, however it didn’t bother us that much because we knew it will be like this.I don’t really know if it is worth recomanding or not. We enjoyed the Weather, the sand beach and the food but won’t come a second time here.Best Regards!
Vitjana KastratiVitjana Kastrati
17:08 30 Jun 24
Just came back from this Hotel,It's not a 5 star hotel.Room and food are zero, it's the worst food that you ever tasted in Turkey.In the room there is a bad smell all the time from the mold before.There are some good activities for kids and the gardening is nice, but nothing more.We are never going back and we feel bad how our vacation went here.
Sam MSam M
22:18 29 Jun 24
We stayed for 8 days from Thursday to yesterday, the first night our sink we leaking they said they sent someone to fix it but still was leaking fridge didn’t work! Anyways minor things… food! Does no one in turkey know how to queue? Everyone pushing infront of each other at the buffet!! Most of the food tasted moldy because it was left out in the warm for to long! So just lived of onion rings and chips! Also chicken was raw …Services inside the hotel we are there to relax not to be hounded by the hair dressers, tattoe place and the massage place! Having feel asleep on the sun bed to be woken up by the hair dressers going excuse me lady would you like to get your hair done…€9 for 2 ice creams is crazy!!!!Other than that everything else was good
Alun EvansAlun Evans
10:37 06 Jun 24
Just returned from a 8 day stay at the Club Prince Turan World Hotel.Honest review time.Rooms a bit cozy but perfect for what is needed, clean , standard amenities. We were in the main hotel and our A/c worked fine, took a bit of time to work out as it cut out when closing the balcony door, however would then kick back in.Pools - amazingly clean, saw them cleaned most mornings and the levels checked.Entertainment team - one of the most hard working people i have met and always happy and chatty.Food - Okay, a bit of everything that will cater for most including children.Drinks - Okay selection, small glasses. Only downside was the amount of glasses we heard being smashed over our stay. I have been elsewhere in Turkey where they only serve drinks in the plastic cups around the pool area ( might be worth investing in ).It was my daughters birthday and the hotel set up a table for breakfast with a cake and some treats in our room for her.Would Recommend - Foam Party ( aqua park ), Beach party , gala night, etc.About an hour and 15 mins from airport on an individual transfer.I would definitely recommend this hotel.
Mantas DolgaliovasMantas Dolgaliovas
10:38 17 May 24
Events are amazing. Food is also. But you need to work on basics like: room service (maids taking a different time to clean), waitresses need more responsibility, if you want to get tipped you need to work. Also all of the staff must speak different languages like: English, Bartenders are amazing and they are always very nice and friendly.
Dr.Bailey - My ReviewsDr.Bailey - My Reviews
15:50 15 May 24
Absolutely great family vacation hotel, everything built around kids having a great time. Wouldn't recommend for a couples holiday though. Entertainment was hit and miss with some excellent hotel shows coupled with a few that needed a lot of work. Overall if its a family - children friendly hotel your looking for, book this place. Only negative thing would be the amount of eastern block guests that would arrive back to their rooms after the main bar closed drunk with children and very very loud, with no respect for other guests on site.
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