Rhodose rahvusvahelise lennujaama läheduses. Jalutuskäigu kugusel tavernidest ja kohvikutest. Hoolitsetud väike hotelliala ja hubased numbritoad. Kogu päeva kestel aktiivne animatsioon. Soovitame aktiivseks perepuhkuseks ja surfihuvilistele.


Kremasti külakesest 2 km, Rhodose linnast 9 km ja lennujaamast 5 km. Bussipeatus 650 meetrit hotellist. Õhtune meelelahutus: Rhododse linn (8 km), Kremasti külakese tavernid ja kohvikud (1,5 km).


Ehitatud 1995 aastal. Viimari renoveeritud 2022 a.Hotellikompleks koosneb 4-korruselisest liftiga peamajast ja kolmest täiendavast hoonest.

Kokku 191 numbrituba:

Comfort Garden View Juliet Balcony (peamajas, ilma rõduta, aiavaade, 2 üheinimese voodit (kaheinimese voodit päringu alusel), lisavoodi – sohva, mahub 3 in.+ beebi, 20 m2);

Comfort Pool-Sea View Juliet Balcony (peamajas, ilma rõduta, vaade basseinile või merevaade, 2 üheinimese voodit (kaheinimese voodit päringu alusel), lisavoodi –  sohva, mahub 3 in.+ beebi, 20 m2);

Standard Garden View/ Standard Pool – Sea View (aiavaade/ vaade basseinile või merevaade, asuvad lisakorpustes ja peamajas, 2 üheinimese voodit (kaheinimese voodit päringu alusel), lisavoodi – üheinimese voodi, mahub 3 in.+ beebi, 23 m2);

Superior Room Swim Up (asuvad lisakorpustes ja peamajas 1. korrusel, 2 üheinimese voodit (kaheinimese voodit päringu alusel), lisavoodi – üheinimese voodi, otsepääs üldbasseini, mahub 3 in.+ beebi, 24 m2).

Hotellis on numbritoad piiratud liikumisvõimega inimestele. 

Aktsepteeritakse: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro

Majutus lemmikloomaga: ei

Pangaautomaat: 200 m hotellist.


  •  lastebassein: mageveega
  •  lapsehoidja teenus: päringu alusel,: 
  •  mänguväljak
  •  minidisko (6 korda nädalas)


  •  restoranid: 1
  •  baarid: 2
  •  basseinid: 2
  •  spaa-keskus: 
  •  pulmade korraldamise teenus
  •  rannarätikud basseini ääres:: tasuta
  •  kabel
  •  päikesevarjud ja lamamistoolid basseini ääres:: tasuta
  •  minimarket
  •  riiete triikimine: 
  •  veeliumäed: 2
  •  arst väljakutsel: 
  •  Wi-Fi: tasuta
  •  parkla olemas
  •  pesula: 
  •  autorent

Meelelahutus ja sport


  • jõusaal – tasuta (baasvarustus)
  • iluprotseduurid: 
  •  petang: tasuta
  •  õhtune show (ja teemaõhtud): tasuta
  •  saun: 
  •  noolemäng: tasuta
  •  piljard: 
  •  iluprotseduurid: 
  •  veesport (rannas, 750 m hotellist, kite ja windsurf ): 
  •  massaaž: 
  •  aeroobika: tasuta
  •  rannavõrkpall: tasuta
  •  meelelahutusprogramm: tasuta
  •  lauatennis: tasuta
  •  vesiaeroobika: tasuta
  •  tenniseväljak: tasuta

Imikud (8 kuud – 3 a.)

  •  lapsevanker: (päringu alusel, vastavalt saadavusele): 
  •  beebivoodi: päringu alusel,: tasuta


  •  soovitatakse kasutada spetsiaalseid jalanõusid
  •  rätikud rannas:: tasuta
  •  kiviklibu (varustamata, puude varjus, üle rahulliku liiklusega sõidutee; kitsas rannariba)
  •  pääs merre: kiviklibu (ja kivid, läheb kiiresti sügavaks)


  •  seif: toas,: tasuta
  •  tubade koristamine: igapäevaselt
  •  voodipesu vahetus: 2 korda nädalas
  •  põrand: plaat (ja laminaat)
  •  pesuvahendid
  •  föön: olemas
  •  konditsioneer:: tasuta
  •  TV: satelliit
  •  vann või dušš (comfort room; dušš – standard room ja superior room swim up GV/SV/PV)
  •  rätikute vahetus: igapäevaselt
  •  rõdu või terrass (Comfort ilma rõdu/terrassita)
  •  telefon
  •  tee ja kohvi valmistamise võimalus (täidetakse iga päev)
  •  Internet: Wi-Fi,: tasuta


  •  AI


  •  Comfort Pool-Sea View Juliet Balcony
  •  Comfort Garden View Juliet Balcony
  •  Standard Garden View
  •  Standard Pool – Sea View
  •  Superior Room Swim Up


Hotellide kirjeldused on koostatud partnerite esitatud teabe alusel, sõltuvalt hooajalisusest, hotell jätab endale õiguse muuta teenuste kontseptsiooni, sealhulgas baaride, restoranide, basseinide jne arvu. Pildid on ainult informatiivsed. Kogu aktuaalne teave on kättesaadav hotelli ametlikul veebilehel. Hotelli administratsioon jätab endale õiguse teha hotelli kontseptsioonis, sealhulgas tasuliste/tasuta teenuste komplektis, ette teatamata muudatusi. Palun täpsustage huvipakkuv info enne broneeringu vormistamist.
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Based on 1073 reviews
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sunny jan
08:19 12 Nov 24
Ines Brandt
07:26 12 Nov 24
Grzegorz Hryniszak
18:15 08 Nov 24
Bulent Balkan
12:36 02 Nov 24
Dorothée Torres
07:14 02 Nov 24
Mirjam Raukas
12:04 28 Sep 24
Hotell needs updating, especially curtains, lampshades and bathrooms. First night met two cockroaches. Reception said not to worry and talked about "magic spray". However after one shower noticed movement at the wooden wall, so washed that out and killed 5 more. One bigger roach was on the coridor floor belly up. It seems to be a bigger issue in Rhodes, but for me not a nice experience. Coming home just opened all stuff outside, to be sure i didn't bring any friends home with me. Also a stuffy, moldy scent in the room. Food was as it was. Could find something to eat, but also went out for food and drinks several times. Bar drinks are drinkable but nothing fancy. Pools were good, however the ladders and other facilities outside also need updating. Entertainment team is excellent and nighttime programs were fun! In any case it was doable for me as most of the days we were out of the hotel and room. If it would have been more of a hotel, poolside vacation i wouldn't be as positive.
Weronika Milart
06:42 24 Sep 24
The hotel itself was in good location, you can see the sea laying on the sunbeds however I think that it is the only good thing I can list about the hotel. Any other thing was very unexceptional and disappointing. The food was mostly disgusting, let’s say it was the cheapest version of all inclusive holiday- it was neither good nor tasty& healthy. If you want to have a good drink you have to pay for it because otherwise you will get half cup of same vodka and a little bit of a cheap and with no taste juice. I’ve been to many hotels in Greece and its Islands but I have never had such stomach issues after my stay. If you want to have a regular iced coffee you have to pay for that because the all inclusive does not cover that which is ridiculous 🤣😂About the rooms- if you like dirty and worn out mattrace, cockroaches and fungus in bathrooms, this hotel is something for you.
Bill Reilly
15:55 19 Sep 24
We were moved here from our original hotel booking because they told us that due to an overbooking there were no rooms available for us ! After 14 hours travelling and totally exhausted we ended up at this hotel. Allocated a double room we went there. We were allowed all inclusive status for the night. The food was actually acceptable and we managed a couple of drinks before giving in for the night. For a so called “exclusive hotel and spa” I would totally disagree. It was a basic double room with shower. The toilet leaked, the sink taps were rusty and the shower area had seen better days. THEN ! To cap it all they had very, very loud music blasting out until 10.30 at night (we were in a room 2 doors away from this racket) BUT, not only that, this hotel is on the flight path finals for Rhodes airport 1 mile away so we had to put up with the aircraft on finals to the airport ALL night. Would I recommend this hotel to anyone requiring a peaceful holiday in the sun ? MOST DEFINITELY NOT !! 🤬🤬
Vanessa Bejoun
14:48 16 Aug 24
We had an amazing stay at the hotel! Everything was absolutely fantastic – from the friendly service to the warm welcome at the reception. The rooms were clean, beautiful, and very comfortable. A special thank you to IAN, who truly made our experience exceptional. Every day, we were greeted by his incredible energy and genuine joy, which really enhanced our vacation. He always went the extra mile to ensure we were well taken care of, and we couldn’t have asked for a better host. Thank you IAN, for making our stay unforgettable!
מוריאל לוי
08:49 07 Aug 24
The hotel has 2 areas, the old and the new, which is the risotto. We will sleep in the old area, so my opinion on this must start with the service of the staff, which is above expectations. They are pleasant and kind and really try to do everything so that you can enjoy your vacation.We closed through a travel company that didn't care to point out that there was a difference in the types of rooms and to explain to us which room we would get in the deal and we got a small and old room. that would improve the feeling, it was more spacious and looked newer, it had a balcony and a small private pool, the beds are not very comfortable, but everything else was fineThe pool is large and there is a team that works with the children. The food is reasonable. They always manage to find something to eat. They don't stay hungry In terms of the location, close to the airport, we didn't mind the noise of the planes landing and we had a car so it felt like we were at the midpoint of every trip so we didn't feel the distance from the city or from Lindos without a car is more problematic Once again I have to thank the team who really made sure we had as much fun as possible
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