Amon Hotels (Adults Only +16) 5*

Ainult täiskasvanute hotell 16+


Hotell asub Kadriye linnas, 7 km kaugusel Beleki kesklinnast. Kaugus Antalya lennujaamast on 25 km.


Tähelepanu: See hotell on ainult täiskasvanutele! (16+)

Hotell avati 2007. aastal ja renoveeriti 2021. aastal.

Koosneb 6-korruselisest peahoonest ja 4-korruselisest lisahoonest, olemas on liftid.

Territooriumi kogupindala on 42 000 m².

Hotell võtab vastu erivajadustega külalisi, olemas on ka ratastoolide kasutamise võimalus (tasuline).

Aktsepteeritakse Visa ja Mastercard’i.


Privaatne liivane-kivine rand on hotellist 1450 meetri kaugusel, üle tee.

Ranna pikkus on 300 meetrit.

Randa sõidab iga 30 minuti tagant tasuta buss.

Lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud – tasuta. Rannabaar (toit ja karastusjoogid).

Ranna ja basseini rätikud on saadaval kaardiga spaakeskuses.


  • 2 välibasseini, 170 ja 230 m²
  • sisebassein, 160 m² (talvel soojendusega)
  • pearestoran 300 inimesel
  • a la carte restoran (aphrodisiac ja sushi)
  • suupistebaar, lobby-baar, basseinibaar, kondiitritöökoda


  • lubatud on majutus lemmikloomadega (kuni 8 kg, Relax tubades, lisatasu eest)
  • venekeelne personal
  • enne sisseregistreerimist (enne 14.00) ja pärast väljaregistreerimist (pärast 12.00) võtab hotell lisatasu restoranide ja baaride kasutamise eest, 10 EUR inimese kohta


UAI – Ultra all inclusive 24 tundi.

Kontseptsioon sisaldab: hommikusöök, brunch, lõuna- ja õhtusöök – buffet, dieet- ja taimetoidulauad, gluteenivaba menüü soovi korral, Food Court baar 24 tundi – suupisted, kondiitritooted, jäätis, pitsarestoran – 11:00-19:00, food court baar 24 tundi – mõned kohalikud ja mõned imporditud alkohoolsed ja karastusjoogid, Giza baar – mõned kohalikud alkohoolsed ja karastusjoogid, Check-in baar 24 tundi – mõned kohalikud ja mõned imporditud alkohoolsed ja karastusjoogid, värskelt pressitud apelsinimahl hommikusöögiks.

A la carte restoranid – tasulised, ettetellimisel (avatud 3-4 päeva nädalas).

Väljaspool kontseptsiooni imporditud joogid, värskelt pressitud mahlad, kõik baarist tellitavad joogid pudelis, energiajoogid, toateenindus 24 tundi – tasuline.

Sport ja meelelahutus

  • jõusaal
  • amfiteater
  • lauatennis
  • noolemäng
  • animatsioon
  • aeroobika, vesiaeroobika
  • mängud, võistlused
  • aqua spinning
  • Kangoo-hüpped
  • basseinipidu
  • veesport (tasuline)

Ilu ja tervis

  • Spa-keskus
  • massaaž, koorimine, mullivann (tasuline)
  • Hammam, saun, aurusaun (tasuta)

Muud teenused

  • Wi-Fi kohapeal (tasuta)
  • kaetud parkla
  • arst ja meditsiiniõde
  • pesupesemise teenus, keemiline puhastus
  • autorent
  • fotograafi teenused
  • konverentsisaal 120 m²


Hotellis on 313 tuba.


  • dušš
  • sussid
  • vannitoatarbed
  • föön
  • telefon
  • minibaar (vesi iga päev)
  • Wi-Fi (tasuta)
  • seif (tasuline)
  • TV
  • split-konditsioneer
  • tee- ja kohvivalmistamise komplekt
  • triikraud (tasuline)

Toa puhastamine: iga päev.

Voodipesu ja rätikute vahetus: 3 korda nädalas.

Black Room

Tuba: peahoones, 20 m², üks kaheinimesevoodi, rõdu, vaade ümbruskonnale, max. 2 inimest.

Ladies Legend Room

Tuba: 20 m², peahoones, 5.-6. korrusel, magamistuba, üks kaheinimesevoodi, vannituba, rõdu, vaade aiale/basseinile, max. 3 inimest.

Lisaks : sisseregistreerimise päeval: puuviljataldrik, pudel veini, minibaar (karastusjoogid ja vesi).

Ainult naissoost külalistele.

Ladies Relax Room

Tuba: 20 m², peahoone või Osirise hoone, 5.-6. korrus, üks kaheinimesevoodi, vannituba, rõdu (mitte kõigis tubades), vaade aiale/basseinile, max. 2 inimest.

1 lisavoodi.

Ainult naissoost külalistele.

Legend Room

Tuba: 20 m², peahoone, 5.-6. korrus, magamistuba, üks kahe- või 2 üheinimesevoodit, vannituba, rõdu, vaade aiale/basseinile, max. 3 inimest.

Lisaks: puuviljataldrik, pudel veini, minibaar (karastusjoogid ja vesi) saabumispäeval.

Red Room

Tuba: 25 m², peahoone, magamistuba, üks kaheinimesevoodi, vannituba, mullivann, terrass, vaade aiale/basseinile, max. 2 inimest.

Lisaks: saabumispäeval: puuviljataldrik, pudel veini, Chivas Regal või Jack Daniels viski, Absolut vodka, Nespresso kapsliga kohv, šokolaadiga kaetud maasikad, minibaar (karastusjoogid ja vesi), hommikumantel ja sussid.

Relax Room

Tuba: 20 m², peahoone või Osiris Building, 5.-6. korrus, üks kahekohaline või 2 ühekohalist voodit, vannituba, rõdu (mitte kõik), vaade aiale/basseinile, max. 2 inimest.

1 lisavoodi.

Standard Room

Tuba: 20 m², peahoone, 5.-6. korrus, magamistuba, üke kahe- või 2 üheinimesevoodit, vannituba, rõdu, vaade aiale/basseinile, max. 3 inimest.

1 lisavoodi.


Hotellide kirjeldused on koostatud partnerite esitatud teabe alusel, sõltuvalt hooajalisusest, hotell jätab endale õiguse muuta teenuste kontseptsiooni, sealhulgas baaride, restoranide, basseinide jne arvu. Pildid on ainult informatiivsed. Kogu aktuaalne teave on kättesaadav hotelli ametlikul veebilehel. Hotelli administratsioon jätab endale õiguse teha hotelli kontseptsioonis, sealhulgas tasuliste/tasuta teenuste komplektis, ette teatamata muudatusi. Palun täpsustage huvipakkuv info enne broneeringu vormistamist.
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Based on 778 reviews
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Olga Cz
20:28 11 Nov 24
The elevator in the hotel doesn't work, there is a specific smell in the room, cats jumped on the counters and took meat in the dining room, there was no one from the staff to shoo them away, our stay ended after 1 day in the hotel, because the season ended overnight and it was October 30, 2024
Hakkı Gezer
20:37 09 Nov 24
I don't even deserve a star, it's a disgusting hotel, it's a disgusting management, it's always a lie, they write 400-500 meters to the beach and attract people, but it's 3.5km away, God damn you guys, the hotel is a disgrace.
Dans 34
19:22 09 Nov 24
Bilal Yildiz
15:41 08 Nov 24
If you know Turkish, it's a terrible environment because you may witness the staff swearing at the customer thinking they don't understand them anyway. At the same time, there are multi-tasking personnel. I want a song from a DJ at night, he says I'm not a DJ. I asked for tequila, they said they didn't have it, will I have it? What does it mean when the hotel says it doesn't have tequila? You will realize that hotel rooms do not actually have many things you need. The room I stayed in had a single bed, which is a big disadvantage. I was happy with the house kipping team, thank you. I say don't go because of price and performance. Especially if you love the sea, do not go near it.
Marat Sadykov
07:27 06 Nov 24
Good hotel for young people. Very suitable for those who love parties. Not a bad beach, average quality food, unlimited alcohol. Not bad at all.
Faiza Kirun
19:15 09 Jul 24
Avoid at all cost!!!!Staff were not helpful and couldn't check-in after arriving early in the morning 6am was told my room was not ready even though my check-in was booked for the day before and was told to wait to speak to the manager at 9am , flies everywhere could not bare it and decided to go to another hotel but was still charged for this hotel even though I did not check-in. Fraud be aware.
Mardan Sharafani
22:40 06 Jul 24
Barbara Grzondziel
20:22 06 Jul 24
Aytaç Erman Payır
19:49 02 Jul 24
It was perfect, we had so much fun, it's a fantastic hotel.
Murat Aytekin
11:07 02 Jul 24
Pantea Marhoun
10:54 12 Apr 24
It's really near land of legends, the quality of food and drinks are good.The staff's behavior is perfect.there is a party every night.
James Grant
13:14 25 Oct 23
Bought spa treatment for my girlfriend. Absolutely terrible experience for her. She was wearing a swimsuit and told she would not be able to get the treatment without bikini. She was forced to buy a bikini for 30euro. The quality of which was terrible and broke. Management agreed to exchange bikini but no refund offered even though she was obviously upset. No complimentary drinks given as promised.Completely over priced, in the end bikini was unnecessary for the massage treatment. Russian staff member at front of house extremely rude.When the girls asked to speak to the manager the rude woman at front of house said she was the only one who could translate for him.Would not recommend
Irene P
09:09 01 Oct 23
The WORST hotel ever. Dirty rooms and the PLATES in the dining room, total absence of any hygiene and cleaningness. The rooms are old, dirty and overall disgusting + there are insects there. The personnel of the hotel doesn’t care about any of the above and about yourself. The visitors of the hotel are mostly men 40+ who behave inappropriate and violate personal space. You do not feel safe in this hotel. Food is bad, not fresh and absolutely is not tasty. Music is weird + there are too many disgusting drunken people. The place is a stash
Mori Moradi
16:27 07 Oct 22
The hotel had good service for the price,But some details aren’t good enough!There is no warmed pool for nighttime, even the indoor pool and Jacuzzi are cold and also can be used just till 4 pm!!bicycles that the hotel had been out of service.Customer service is not very helpful,Hotel guests are partying with massive speakers in the lobby until 5, or 6 in the morning if you stay on the first floor you’re not gonna get good sleep.But need to mention the good parts as well, the food is fantastic, the dessert and the fruits are incredible.The bar is in access all the time, it has a 24/7 food court. Dancers are great, unbelievable performances. Hotels disco and DJ are so nice ! You won’t need to leave the hotel for partying.I want to appreciate the hotel staffs at the end.
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