Lastesõbralik hotell. Suur roheline territoorium. Ristkasutuses, ühine kompleks Kamelya Aishen Club ja Kamelya Selin hotellidega.


  • Kaugus lähimast lennujaamast 55 km
  • Kaugus lähimast kesklinnast 5 km
  • Kaugus lähima linnani 5 km
  • Kaugus rannast 10 m
  • Kaugus bussipeatusest või metroost 100 m
  • Kaugus lähima sularaha automaadini 500 m
  • Kaugus lähimast ärikeskusest 5 km
  • Kaugus lähimast ostukeskusest 200 m


  • 1990


  • 2020 Kõik


  • 240000 м2


Restoranid: 15 (A la carte restoranid: 6)
Baarid: 17
Bassein täiskasvanutele – 2
Laste basseinid – 2
Mitu veeliumäge on seal täiskasvanutele?: 7
Mitu veeliumäge on seal lastele?: 3
Avatud: 10:00 – 12:30,13:30 – 18:00,
Pesupesemise teenus

Tasuta teenused


  • Lauatennis
  • Noolemäng
  • Korvpall
  • Jalgpall
  • Rannapall
  • Minigolf
  • Aeroobika
  • Fitnessikeskus


  • Seif toas
  • Spa
  • Saun
  • Jacuzzi
  • Disko
  • Kino
  • Juhtmevaba/internett: Kõikides piirkondades
  • Hammam


  • Beebivoodi
  • Beebipott

Tasulised teenused


  • Massaaž
  • Ilukeskus
  • Pesupesemise teenus
  • Juhtmevaba/internett: Kõikides piirkondades
  • Terviseteenus
  • Ratastool


  • Valgustus
  • Tennisevarustus
  • Tenniseõpe
  • Keegel
  • Biljard


  • Lapsevanker


  • Kas seal on lastele basseini
  • Laste veepark (kui on tavalisest veepargist eraldi)
  • Laste meelelahutus
  • Kas seal on miniklubi? 2 (4-12a ja 13-17a lastele )
  • Mänguväljak
  • Kas seal on restoranis laste puhvetit või menüüd?
  • Kas seal on restoranis lasteala?
  • Beebitool restoranis
  • Beebivoodi
  • Beebipott
    • Räägitavad keeled: Türgi, Saksa, Vene, Inglise


  • Ranna omandikuuluvus: Privaatne
  • Näidake, kui seal on hotelli ja ranna vahel tänav, tunnel jne: Kõnnitee
  • Ranna materjal: Liivane
  • Merepõhja materjal: Liivane
  • Ranna pikkus: 500 m
  • Päikesevari (Tasuta)
  • Päevitustool (Tasuta)
  • Käterätid
  • Paviljon (Lisa)
  • Dušš
  • Näidake, kas rannas on toitlustusteenus (Tasuta)


  • Rannapall

  • Puudega inimeste tubade arv: 2
  • Mittesuitsetajate tubade arv: KÕIK

  • Seif toas

  • Minibaar toas
  • Minibaari täitmise periood: Igapäevane

  • Toa suurus (m2): 28 – 28
  • Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 3
  • Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 3
  • Maksimaalselt laps: 1
  • Korruste arvud: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  • Magamistubade arv: 1 magamistuba
  • Rõdu või terrass: Rõdu
  • Rõdude arv: 1
  • Wcde arv: 1
  • Vannitubade arv: 1
  • Vaade:Aia vaade

  • Toa suurus (m2): 28 – 28
  • Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 3
  • Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 3
  • Maksimaalselt laps: 2
  • Korruste arvud: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  • Magamistubade arv: 1 magamistuba
  • Rõdu või terrass: Rõdu
  • Rõdude arv: 1
  • Wcde arv: 1
  • Vannitubade arv: 1
  • Vaade:Rannaäärne,Aia-mere vaade,Osaline merevaade

  • Toa suurus (m2): 28 – 28
  • Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 2
  • Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 2
  • Maksimaalselt laps: 1
  • Korruste arvud: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  • Magamistubade arv: 1 magamistuba
  • Rõdu või terrass: Rõdu
  • Rõdude arv: 1
  • Wcde arv: 1
  • Vannitubade arv: 1
  • Vaade:Aia vaade

  • Toa suurus (m2): 56 – 56
  • Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 6
  • Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 5
  • Maksimaalselt laps: 2
  • Korruste arvud: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  • Magamistubade arv: 2 magamistuba
  • Rõdu või terrass: Rõdu
  • Rõdude arv: 1
  • Wcde arv: 2
  • Vannitubade arv: 2
  • Vaade:Aia vaade

  • Toa suurus (m2): 56 – 56
  • Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 6
  • Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 5
  • Maksimaalselt laps: 2
  • Korruste arvud: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  • Magamistubade arv: 2 magamistuba
  • Rõdu või terrass: Rõdu
  • Rõdude arv: 1
  • Wcde arv: 2
  • Vannitubade arv: 2
  • Vaade:Merevaade


Ultra kõik hinnas

  • Mittealkohoolsed joogid
  • Kohalikud joogid
  • Importjoogid
  • Jäätis
  • Mesinädalate pakett
  • Sünnipäevapakett
  • Kondiitritooted
  • Minibaar toas
Toitlustuse kontseptsioon
Hommikusöök YULA MAIN RESTAURANT 07:00 – 10:30 Rootsi laud ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Hommikusöök YULA MAIN RESTAURANT 03:30 – 06:30 Rootsi laud ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Hommikusöök HONEYMOON BREAKFAST 08:30 – 10:30 A la Carte ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Hiline hommikusöök YULA MAIN RESTAURANT (ONLY ON SUNDAYS) 07:00 – 14:30 Rootsi laud ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Lõunasöök YULA MAIN RESTAURANT 12:30 – 14:30 Rootsi laud ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Suupistete teenus SOGUT SNACK RESTAURANT 12:00 – 15:30 Fikseeritud menüü ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Suupistete teenus BBQ SNACK RESTAURANT 12:00 – 15:30 Fikseeritud menüü ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Suupistete teenus LUNA SNACK RESTAURANT 12:00 – 15:30 Fikseeritud menüü ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Suupistete teenus TERRACE SNACK RESTAURANT 12:00 – 15:30 Fikseeritud menüü ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Suupistete teenus PALM SNACK RESTAURANT 12:00 – 16:00 Rootsi laud ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Suupistete teenus LIA SNACK RESTAURANT 12:00 – 16:00 Rootsi laud ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Suupistete teenus ATLANTIC SNACK RESTAURANT 12:00 – 18:00 Rootsi laud ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Suupistete teenus PACIFIC SNACK RESTAURANT 12:00 – 18:00 Rootsi laud ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Suupistete teenus GOZLEME 10:30 – 16:00 Rootsi laud ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Teeaeg FIKA PATISSERIE 10:30 – 18:00 Rootsi laud ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Teeaeg HOT PATISSERIE 10:30 – 18:00 Rootsi laud ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Õhtusöök YULA MAIN RESTAURANT 19:00 – 21:30 Rootsi laud ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
Õhtueine YULA MAIN RESTAURANT 00:00 – 02:30 Rootsi laud ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE

A la carte restoranid

YENGEC RESTAURANT 19:00 – 21:00 Jah Mereannid Piiramatu ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE(Lisa)
CHINA TOWN RESTAURANT 19:00 – 21:00 Jah Hiina Piiramatu ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE(Lisa)
LA PERLA RESTAURANT 19:00 – 21:00 Jah Vahemere Piiramatu ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE(Lisa)
AZTECA RESTAURANT 19:00 – 21:00 Jah Mehhiko Piiramatu ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE(Lisa)
TURKUAZ RESTAURANT 19:00 – 21:00 Jah Local Kord nädalas ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
MA BELLE RESTAURANT 19:00 – 21:00 Jah Prantsuse Piiramatu ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE(Lisa)
ERA LOBBY BAR 09:30 – 00:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
TYYLIKAS LOBBY BAR (SELIN HOTEL) 09:30 – 00:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
PALM POOL BAR 09:30 – 00:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
LUNA POOL BAR 09:30 – 00:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
LIA POOL BAR 09:30 – 00:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
TERRACE BAR 09:30 – 18:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
DRAGON BAR 16:00 – 00:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
ATLANTIC BEACH BAR 10:00 – 18:00 Kohalik, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
PACIFIC BEACH BAR 10:00 – 18:00 Kohalik, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
SEA BAR 18:00 – 00:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
NAZAR BAR 18:00 – 05:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
OPEN AIR DISCO BAR ARIASSOS 22:30 – 00:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
DISCO BAR ARIASSOS 23:00 – 02:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
FIKA PATISSERIE BAR (SELIN HOTEL) 10:30 – 18:00 Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
HOT PATISSERIE BAR (AISHEN K CLUB) 10:30 – 18:00 Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
THE POINT PATISSERIE BAR 10:30 – 18:00 Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
ICE CREAM BAR 11:00 – 18:00 Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE
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Based on 2823 reviews
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Iza K
21:42 16 Nov 24
What I liked:The resort is visually stunning, and the staff are its biggest strength. Despite being understaffed and working extremely long hours, they remained friendly, professional, and hardworking—this includes receptionists, bartenders, waiters, and housekeeping. The food was fantastic, with delicious daily variations inspired by different cuisines. The beach is wide, sandy, and located conveniently close to the resort. The rooms are spacious, with minibars restocked daily, although the bathrooms need modernization to meet 5-star expectations. The SPA area offers saunas, a hammam, and an indoor pool. A special mention goes to the talented duo performing live music in the lobby—they were outstanding.What I didn’t like:The resort failed to meet expectations. I booked a room at the FULYA Hotel but was reassigned to the SELIN Hotel without prior notice. Despite assurances that all services and attractions were operational, most were closed upon arrival.By November 6, nearly everything was shut down, even though the summer concept was supposed to run until November 20. Only one pool at the SELIN Hotel was open, the Aqua Park was closed, and during our stay, most beach loungers and umbrellas were removed, leaving just a few. One snack bar and one pool bar operated on reduced hours, creating long gaps between meals or refreshments. Entertainment was minimal, with only a couple of live music nights, karaoke, and bingo.The SPA was also disappointing—what was advertised as a jacuzzi was just a cold pool extension with seating, no jets, and no warm water. On top of that, the beds were rock hard, making sleep nearly impossible. Many other guests shared the same complaint.Conclusion:The resort has potential when fully operational, but visiting in the off-season is a letdown. Attractions are closed without notice, and the limited staff are overworked. Unfortunately, issues are not limited to the off-season—during the peak season, guests have reported being moved to other hotels or crammed into one room instead of the three they paid for. It’s essential to read recent reviews carefully before making a reservation to avoid disappointment.
Vitali Fedasenka
14:27 16 Nov 24
hakan aranmaz
15:51 10 Nov 24
Actually, we stayed at Kamelya Aishen, but I think it gives the opportunity to review the fulya hotel since it is in the same garden. On the maps, Aisehen appears to be a 4-star hotel, but I stayed at Selin Fulya Aishen at different times in all 3 hotels. In fact, all three of them are five-star, the variety of food and the services offered are quite high, even beyond the price. I've been coming here for a long time, but it's gotten better in recent years. I hope it continues like this.
Konstantin L.
10:07 09 Nov 24
Hotel closes during the booked period; Staff lies to guests several times; Rooms and tables including cutlery/glasses are often dirty; long waiting times in the restaurant, sometimes more than 20 minutes, until you get a table; Rooms are extremely noisy; The opening times of restaurants and bars are for guidance purposes; not all promised services are available on site in the hotel and some are simply closed or are not open; Staff is clearly understaffed and feels sorry for you; Invoices/receipts are not issued although they are mandatory; other guests had to change rooms several times...
Jovita Jakaitienė
07:01 09 Nov 24
Nicolai Dobrescu
20:19 20 Jul 24
I do not recommend!!!
Josifas Muchlia
14:06 20 Jul 24
miclosvan miclos
10:53 19 Jul 24
We were greeted at the reception with the message: We have no more rooms and they wanted to accommodate us at another hotel, two families in an apartment. We did not agree and in the end they gave us rooms, but very angry!!! I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS RESORT
Serdar Durukan
10:05 19 Jul 24
There is no problem with eating and drinking, the food is very good, you can find something to eat 24/7, the employees are respectful. It has a wonderful historical structure and there are events almost every day.
Marcin Madrak
21:51 18 Jul 24
Mara Horghidan
19:24 10 Apr 24
Ol G
17:28 09 Apr 24
Merve Ozdemir
15:04 09 Apr 24
During the time I stayed at the hotel, there was a children's football school event and more than half of the hotel guests were children participating in this event. When I wanted to cancel my stay, they said they could not give a refund. The holiday I went to relax turned into torture and I left the hotel feeling very stressed and worn out. In addition, the rooms are very poorly maintained, the bathroom plumbing is problematic, the water is very low, the shower tank leaks water onto the bathroom floor, and the WC plumbing is also faulty. The staff at the hotel is also rude and unhelpful. I chose this hotel because I had previously stayed at the Selin Hotel on the same campus and was satisfied. But I definitely don't recommend it anymore.
Merve Tunali
14:32 09 Apr 24
This is my 8th or 9th time coming here, my son was one and a half years old when we first came, now he is 11... We prefer it because we feel very comfortable...It gets incredibly crowded in the summer, I get up very early in the morning and spread a towel, otherwise it is very difficult to find a place, the number of sun loungers and especially umbrellas should be increased, we are here now, only Fulya's restaurant is open, but the food variety is very limited, there is almost no olive oil salad section, I think you should be careful.For those who come in the summer, the queue for drinks is long. I can't comment on the quality as I don't drink alcohol, we love this place.
Martina Ševčíková
10:08 07 Oct 23
This is a great place to spend holidays. The hotel has a great location near the sea. The beach is cleaned daily and is really tidy. I would prefer earlier opening hours at the beach bars as I think 10:00 can be a little bit late for someone. The staff is friendly and does their job really well. The food was really delisious. There were thematic dinners like Mexician, Asian and others. There's a lot of entertaiment for kids, everynight there's a minidisco etc.The hotel has wide walls so you can't hear any noise from other rooms. But I was really disappointed with the noise from the outside because of the balcony. We could hear everything and could't sleep. Karaoke night was total horror. The other thing that was really bad was cleaning. They were only changing bins and filling minibar, nothing else. They didn't dust the furniture, clean the toilet, clean the sink, hoover or wipe the floor. Even when we left the tip. The tip was gone and nothing was done! They cleaned our room only once when we requested it. I would expect better service for 5* hotel.
Amore Swart
02:35 01 Oct 23
We stayed here for 2 nights at the end of September. We were sceptical because of the negative reviews, but honestly, it was an amazing experience.The staff were friendly and attentive. The food was very tasty and well prepared with ample variety. The facilities were great and so well maintained. The room was spacious and clean with such comfortable beds.We will definitely return again without a doubt.
F K7
21:23 23 Sep 23
Everything is just amazingOpted for the sea view rooms and it was an amazing experienceOnly issue was water in shower was leaking after usage, but wasn't bad as we just put towel, also door in balcony was able to block off loud music so that was great as we're generally not fan of the loud music. TV was useless but didnt bother us.Service was great all around the resort. Pools were great, sea was part of the resort, just a quick walk, food was great and scenery was breathtaking, you have to give this beautiful luxurious place a go! You will love it!Would definitely return to it!
Bogdan Morogan
11:28 09 Sep 23
We chose this complex based on reviews,but our personal experience was not so good compared to other similar resorts in Side or Belek. The main issue was the shower cabin leaking heavily from underneath. We had to keep towels on the floor constantly and squeeze dry those towels at least 3 times a day in order to have half of the bathroom dry. We informed reception and then customer relations and asked for another room, but we always got the answer that maybe tomorrow. This is another disappointing point as i can't believe a resort like this does not know for sure when a room is available for swapping in order to be able to provide a definitive answer. They were just delaying until i got sick of asking, or the vacation was over. So we had to stay in the same room for the whole vacation. The staff's english level was almost inexistent apart from reception,and the attitude was mediocre compared to other similar Turkish resorts. The food was ok,if not so varied, the bars pretty poorly supplied for drinks. Swimming pools and the beach were good.
dimitar kalchev
14:07 24 Aug 23
we are very disappointed from this hotel. Payed a ton but it was not what we expected too. The food was very bad and also the same , the entertainment team was for sure not "entertaining". The bathroom was in a bad condition and water was going from everywhere . The only good thing that was well mentained was the hygiene from the women who came everyday and cleaned our room . Not worth the price , do not recommend !!!
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