Long Beach Resort Alanya 5*

Kaasaegse disainiga numbritoad. Majutuda saab peamajas, hubastes villades, suvemajades. Hotellialal basseinid, suur veepark, miniklubi. RESORT ja HARMONY territooriumid ja rand on ühiskasutuses. Sobib perepuhkuseks.


  • UAI


Asub 90 km kaugusel Antalya lennujaamast, 20 km kaugusel Alanya keskusest, 5 km kaugusel Avsallari külakesest, 50 m kaugusel oma rannast, üle tee läbi tunneli.


Resort ala on ehitatud 2006. aastal, üldpindala 75 000 m2. 2016.a renoveeriti villad ja hotelliala villade ümber. 2017.a renoveeriti hotelli peamaja restoranid Hayat ja A la Carte, spaa-keskus ja fitness-keskus. 2019-2020 a. uuendati sissepääs ja fuajee ning teostati kosmeetiline remont kõikides tubades.
2014 a. avati hotelli uus osa Harmony, üldpindala – 18 000 m2

Hotell koosneb ühest 9-korruselisest peahoonest Resort, 12-st 2-korruselisest villast (60% tube on merevaatega) ja 24-st peremajakesest chalet ja ühest 7-korruselisest Harmony hoonest


  •  sisebasseinid: 2
  •  basseinid: 10 (üks mereveega)
  •  kino
  •  spaa-keskus
  •  konverentsisaalid: 1 (45–800 inimesele)
  •  rannarätikud basseini ääres:: tasuta
  •  arstikabinet
  •  veeliumäed: 17
  •  Wi-Fi: tasuta
  •  pesula: 
  •  päikesevarjud, lamamistoolid ja madratsid basseini ääres:: tasuta
  •  juuksur
  •  kauplused


  •  seif: toas,: tasuta
  •  tubade koristamine: igapäevaselt
  •  voodipesu vahetus: 3 korda nädalas
  •  põrand: vaipkate (keraamiline plaat, laminaat)
  •  televiisor: olemas (kaabel-tv)
  •  föön: olemas
  •  konditsioneer: üld
  •  minibaar (vesi iga päev, karastusjoogid saabumispäeval tasuta): tasuta
  •  vann või dušš
  •  toateenindus: ööpäevaringselt,: 
  •  rõdu või terrass
  •  telefon
  •  tee ja kohvi valmistamise võimalus
  •  Internet: Wi-Fi,: tasuta

Meelelahutus ja sport

  •  mänguautomaadid: 
  •  saun: tasuta
  •  noolemäng: tasuta
  •  tenniseväljaku valgustus: 
  •  piljard: 
  •  vibulaskmine: tasuta
  •  elav muusika: tasuta
  •  bowling (2 rada): 
  •  veesport: 
  •  massaaž: 
  •  tennise reketide ja pallide rent: 
  •  türgi saun (hammam): tasuta
  •  korvpall: tasuta
  •  diskoteek: tasuta
  •  mullivann: tasuta
  •  minigolf: tasuta
  •  jõusaal: tasuta
  •  rannavõrkpall: tasuta
  •  meelelahutusprogramm: tasuta
  •  lauatennis: tasuta
  •  sukeldumiskursused: 
  •  vesiaeroobika: tasuta
  •  minijalgpall: tasuta
  •  tenniseväljak (2 tenniseväljakut (tartaankate, sünt. kate)): tasuta


  •  miniklubi (4-12 a.)
  •  lapsehoidja teenus:: 
  •  mänguväljak
  •  lõbustuspark: tasuta
  •  laste basseinid: 4
  •  laste puhvet
  •  sisebassein

Imikud (8 kuud – 3 a.)

  •  lapsevanker:: 
  •  beebivoodi: päringu alusel,: tasuta


  •  Lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud ja madratsid rannas:: tasuta
  •  kai
  •  rätikud rannas:: tasuta
  •  rannabaar:: tasuta
  •  oma
  •  liiva-kiviklibune


  •  Harmony Family Room with Bunked Bed
  •  Resort Swim Up
  •  Harmony Standard Land View
  •  Villa Suite Second Floor
  •  Villa Suite First Floor
  •  Family Dublex Sea View
  •  Swim Up Family Dublex
  •  Swim Up First Floor
  •  Swim Up Room Second Floor
  •  Family Room Land View with Bunkbed
  •  Family Sea View
  •  Family Dublex Suite
  •  Family Dublex Land View
  •  Promo Room without Balcony
  •  Harmony Promo Room without Balcony
  •  Superior Land View
  •  Superior Sea View
  •  Family Chalet
  •  Harmony Standard Sea View
  •  Harmony Swim Up Dublex
  •  Standard ROH
  •  Standard Sea View
  •  Harmony Swim Up
  •  Standard Land View

Promo Room without Balcony (ilma rõduta, kaheinimese voodi, mahub 2 in., 28 m2);

562 standard room (neist 8 erivajadusega kliendile (dušiga), mahub 3+1 in., 28–33 m2);

180 Superior room (renoveeritud, mahub 3+1 in., 33 m2);

24 family chalet (2 magamistuba uksega, asuvad puidust suvemajades, mahub. 4 in., 43 m2);

Villa Suite First Floor (asuvad villa 1.korrusel, pääs basseini juurde, 2 magamistuba uksega, 2 vannituba, mahub. 4+1 in., 40 m2);

Villa Suite Second Floor (asuvad villa 2.korrusel, 3 magamistuba, 2 vannituba, mahub. 6+1 in., 56 m2);

12 resort swim up (asuvad villa 1. korrusel, otsepääs basseini, mahub. 2+1 in., 28 m2);

182 ühetoalist Resort Deluxe (renoveeritud, mahub 3+1 in., 33 m2);

90 kahetasandilist family duplex (igal tasandil magamistuba, mahub 4+1 in., 50-55 m2);

30 kahetasandilist family duplex suite (igal tasandil magamistuba, vannituba, mahub 5+1 in., 75 m2);

Harmony promo room without Balkony (ilma rõduta, kaheinimese voodi, mahub 2 in., 28 m2);

292 harmony standard rooms (neist 3 erivajadusega kliendile,  3+1 in., 28-33 m2);

10 harmony swim up (otse, otsepääs basseini, mahub 2+1 in., 30 m2);

30 harmony family with bunkbed (2 magamistuba vaheuksega, lisavoodi – nari, mahub 3+2 in., 35-45 m2);

10 harmony swim up family dublex (2 magamistuba vaheuksega, mahub 4+1 in., 49 m2).

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Based on 3373 reviews
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Dzintars (72)
09:12 05 Mar 25
Izabela Rzeszutek
17:24 04 Mar 25
Murat Budak
04:28 03 Mar 25
Wojtek Jurek
20:09 27 Feb 25
Eric Bergwerff
05:14 20 Oct 24
Robertas Sliteris
00:36 20 Oct 24
Rumen Christov
20:07 19 Oct 24
Steffen Dreffien
19:45 19 Oct 24
Malik Ejder Sönmez
07:07 26 Jun 24
The rooms are a bit problematic, depending on the number of people, there are no beds in the rooms. Pernosel is friendly, the hotel food is very good.
07:01 26 Jun 24
Paulius Kajokas
06:36 26 Jun 24
Ayhan ONUR
11:36 25 Jun 24
Everything is fine. It is a facility where we have vacationed before. The only complaint is the excessive noise from the bathroom ventilation fan. Other than that, everything is perfect.
Metehan Algan
10:33 25 Jun 24
It was my first time experiencing an all-inclusive hotel. Everything is truly perfect. It is a high-end hotel where you can find everything you are looking for without having to leave the hotel.
22:20 29 Mar 24
Sebastian N
22:11 29 Mar 24
reyhan gül
18:29 27 Mar 24
Yasemin Yumşak
08:09 26 Mar 24
Everything is perfect, the hotel management is very nice, everyone is very friendly and solution oriented.
Adele Broster
12:45 25 Mar 24
Beautiful location, excellent food, great for all the family
Tony Bonetto
16:32 13 Jan 24
11:11 28 Dec 23
Funda Köroğlu
11:42 18 Dec 23
Rick Lagendijk
12:45 17 Dec 23
Spent a week and a half at a very nice resort
Laura Wisinger
12:15 04 Nov 23
Spotlessly clean hotel on beach with lots to do for kids.No shortage of food.My one dispointing experience was spa treatment. My partner and I booked in hoping for some relaxation, but the two therapists chatted at laughter in their own language while give us treatment.Which made us both feel uncomfortable. So wasn't the relaxing massage we had hopefully for. We had been looking forward to it.We would have booked in for another massage had we not felt so uncomfortable.October fest was amazing staff where great fun the food and drink was fab.Excellent slides for all ages.The foam party was fun too.
21:36 05 Oct 23
Great hotel for whole family, a lot of attractions for everyone. Kids love this place, the food is good, stuff is friendly and helpful, nice rooms. A lot of pools, private beach, gift stores, spa (sauna, massage, therapy), club for kids, bar near each pool, amphitheatre with shows each night.
Andrea Augusztinyi
21:26 17 Sep 23
Visited the hotel as a family last week. On pictures looks super nice, but in real it is quite disappointing. our room was in horrible stage, doors falling apart, floor in certain places cracked, and missing spots. The cleaning persons were super nice. Food is a way too much but feels like the reuse it from previous days. Worst in the whole trip was is our family got sick, kid ended up in hospital, doctors told, from the pool water we got a bacterial infection, causing inflammation in the intestines. Very unfortunate experience.
K Lenart
18:08 03 Sep 23
Just got back from 7 days all inclusive.To start we got what supposed to be superior room. It didnt feel superior at all. Noisy room with river view. Our window was located right above reception and yes you could hear very coach pullint up and extractors even with windows shut. Windows did not provide and sound reduction from outside.When put on white socks it took only 2 minutes to have them properly dirty just walking on the floor in supposedly cleaned room.Bathroom with shower in bath had clogged drain.After experiencing this kind of issues we have paid 300 euros to upgrade to swim up room which were better and newer and swim up was meant to be reserved only for people who paid for it and got red bands. Unfortunately it was not enforced by staff so random people from hotel and kids were jumping in whilst we paid for that extra pleasure.On main pools it was really difficult to get sun bed. Again loads of towels left but people actually were not there. Something that staff should enforce.Food: tasted ok but developed food poisoning twice within week so cleanliness from kitchen side does not seem great.Restaurant. Gets very busy in the evening. Every night we had to haunt for table. Queuing up for food is just another reason i did not like it. Just way too long.Breakfast only upon till 10 am where most of guest were coming just before and silly rush time was created. Although they have something called late Breakfast from 10-11 trying to move everyone to another "childrens" restaurant with reduced meals. It should be standard breakfast at least till 10.30 and no such a thing as late breakfast and i think this would work better. It would elimintate that silly "rush" feeling.Whole complex is nice though and their Pattiserie is a very nice touch with great cakes and only place in entire resort serving real coffe. Everywhere else in the resort coffe is just dreadful. So if you are coffee lover your only place to go is Pattiserie.Oh and do not leave your cash especially euro and lira accessible. It will go missing. Every day we had guy coming to restock mini bar even tho we had "do not disturb" sign he would open door with his card and walk in to the room. 3 times i caught him and told him to go away. The other day i did not catch him we lost money that my son left on table and we were in swimming pool in our swim up room.By the beach and slights most of extra stands offering juices etc but they charge like 3 euros per juice. All these extra paid services within all inclusinve resort totally ruin your stay.Whole resort sits in the middle of nowhere so unless you want to do fake goods shopping just outside hotel there is not much to do within close proximity of the hotel.Overall i would not recommend to anyone.
Catalina Andrei
17:53 31 Aug 23
I had too many expectations for this. I would not recommend it for tourists that were at least one time to Delphin or Royal hotels, even the cheapest ones.We were a group with more than 20 persons, all of us had a fight with the front office staff because they wanted to gave rooms at 7th floor on the rooftop lr Harmony. They did not wanted to change them because of the availability but a lot of tourists came after us and received normal rooms, not 2 in 1 room on the mansion.After we made a request to the tour operator, we finally received some rooms, not 5* conditions but we had no energy to complain about it.The food was ok, not the best but you can find every time something to eat, the beverages were full of water.The cleaning was awful, they only changed the towels in the rooms sometimes and cleaned the hair from the bathroom, but i did not see anything else. In the last days the cleaning was not done, a pair of shorts has been stollen.The events in the hotel were good, at the amphitheatre also and the disco was amazing for young people. The animations team was a little missing even they were lots of people, mpre of them only with the presence. At darts and air shooting the boys are very friendly!Concerning the services, they were missing. At the restaurant, we had to take our own glasses with juice because noone was asking, the plates for the first meal if you had dessert remained on the table until we left, EVERY TIME. At the poolside, the women from Gözleme (12:00-17:00) at 16:30 did not wanted to give us 4 of this, only 2 because she did not have time but served after us a Turkish man. When we complained aboud it she said "Sorry, he only wants one".At the towel station, they did not wanted sometimes to change them, only in the morning or in a period of time.For the money we paid for a double room, the employees does not respect the tourist only if you give tips (or not, in case of cleaning , does not work anyway).
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