Kaasaegne, toimiva infrastruktuuri, mugavate tubadega hotell. Hotellialal asub oma veepark. Hotellis on lai valik a la carte restorane ja baare. Sobib aktiivseks perepuhkuseks koos lastega ja noortele. Suur territoorium, soojendusega basseinid. Soovitame!


17 km Sharm el Sheiki lennujaamast, 25 km Naama Bayst, 30 km vanalinnast, Nabq Bay´s, mere ääres.



  •  restoranid: 8
  •  baarid: 12 (2 tasulist)
  •  basseinid: 12
  •  konverentsisaalid: 1 (kuni 70 inimesele,): 
  •  rannarätikud basseini ääres:: tasuta
  •  takso tellimine
  •  keemiline puhastus
  •  veeliumäed: 8 (soojenduseta)
  •  pesumaja: 
  •  sularahaautomaat
  •  arst väljakutsel: 
  •  Wi-Fi fuajees,: tasuta
  •  parkla olemas
  •  lift
  •  päikesevarjud, lamamistoolid ja madratsid basseini ääres:: tasuta
  •  juuksur
  •  kauplused


  •  miniklubi (4 – 12 a.)
  •  mängunurk restoranis (Tagine restaurant)
  •  lastele eraldatud osa täiskasvanute basseinis (3; 1 soojendusega talveperioodil)
  •  mänguväljak (2 tk.)
  •  veeliumäed: 28 (soojendusega)
  •  laste menüü restoranis (kiirtoit)
  •  laste basseinid: 7 (1 soojendusega talveperioodil)


  •  pontoonsild: olemas
  •  Lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud ja madratsid rannas:: tasuta
  •  soovitatakse kasutada spetsiaalseid jalanõusid
  •  rätikud rannas:: tasuta
  •  tualett rannas
  •  oma
  •  dušš
  •  korall


  •  seif: toas ja vastuvõtus,: tasuta
  •  tubade koristamine: igapäevaselt
  •  voodipesu vahetus: igapäevaselt
  •  põrand: plaat
  •  televiisor: olemas
  •  föön: olemas
  •  konditsioneer: individuaalne
  •  minibaar
  •  TV: satelliit
  •  vann või dušš
  •  toateenindus: ööpäevaringselt,: 
  •  rõdu või terrass (mitte igal pool )
  •  telefon
  •  tee ja kohvi valmistamise võimalus
  •  Internet: Wi-Fi,: tasuta

Meelelahutus ja sport

  •  petang (rannas)
  •  ratsutamine: 
  •  veepolo
  •  saun: 
  •  aurusaun: 
  •  noolemäng
  •  tenniseväljaku valgustus: 
  •  piljard: tasuta
  •  elav muusika
  •  võrkpall basseinis
  •  massaaž: 
  •  tennise reketide ja pallide rent: tasuta
  •  türgi saun (hammam): 
  •  aeroobika
  •  diskoteek (joogid peale 24:00 tasulised)
  •  mullivann: 
  •  minigolf
  •  jõusaal: tasuta
  •  kaamelisõit: 
  •  rannavõrkpall
  •  lauatennis
  •  vesiaeroobika
  •  minijalgpall
  •  sukeldumiskeskus: 
  •  tenniseväljak

Imikud (8 kuud – 3 a.)

  •  lastetoolid restoranis päringu alusel
  •  beebivoodi: päringu alusel,: tasuta


  •  Pool View
  •  Standard
  •  Family Room
  •  Junior Suite
  •  Sea View

Hotellis on kokku 680 tuba:

Standard Room (aiavaade, mahub 2+2/ 3+1 in., vann või dušš, rõdu või terrass (mitte igas toas), 35 m2)

Standard Pool View Room (basseinivaade, max. 2+2 / 3+1 in., vann või dušš, rõdu või terrass, 35 m2)

Standard Sea View Room (merevaade, max 2+2 / 3+1 in., vann või dušš, rõdu või terrass, 35 m2)

Family room 2 bedroom (aia-, basseinivaade, max. 4/ 3+1 in., 2 magamistuba, vaheuksed; ühes magamistoas – king size bed, teises magamistoas – 2 twin beds. Mõlemas toas on teler, minibaar, rõdu või terrass. Garderoob, koridor, 1 dušiga vannituba, 72 m2). Osa tube on lükanduksega (vt fotot pildigaleriist).

Junior Suite (basseini- või merevaade, max 2+2 in., 1-toaline, rõdu või terrass, vann või dušš, 55 m2). Lisavoodi – diivanvoodi.

Standard toas vaid 1 lisavoodi (single bed).

Hotellis on osa tube mittesuitsetajatele.

Aktsepteeritakse: Visa, MasterCard, American Express

Majutus lemmikloomaga: еi

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Brown JouniBrown Jouni
21:37 05 Aug 24
A beautiful and wonderful resort, suitable for children, as there are activities throughout the day. I thank all the staff
kurt micheliskurt michelis
12:52 05 Aug 24
We stayed from July 28 to July 3, 2024 to say that the hotel disappointed me is to say nothing staff food condition of the hotel as well as service at zero level the internet only works on one edge of the bed in other rooms or on the hotel grounds the internet does not work the staff does not want to clean the room they are rude in the room and try to create a conflict; bars do not want to serve you or make cocktails; many cooks shout and show their dissatisfaction; to leave the hotel premises you need a golf car, which they also do not want to take you to the hotel exit; you ask to bring personal hygiene items such as towels, slippers, soap, shampoo, toilet they refuse the paper or promise to bring it and don’t bring it, my grandmother was ill, she couldn’t walk, but the hotel staff didn’t even want to give her a golf cart, the hotel doesn’t qualify for 5*, maximum 3*, and even then I wouldn’t recommend anyone to go there
Sevda MakhsutovaSevda Makhsutova
07:46 05 Aug 24
Our vacation lasted from July 27 to August 3.The Albatros Moderna hotel disappointed us, with the cleaning service, attitude towards guests, we rested with my grandmother, she can’t walk well, we asked the hotel for a stroller, they gave us a special thank you for this, but due to the fact that my grandmother doesn’t walk well, they asked me to take her on a golf cart to the seas left us halfway and also left us, my elderly grandmother and I walked back on our own, they don’t want to provide the golf cart service, they refused several times, and also the cooks who prepare the pizza are very rude, they can shout and be rude, and they also don’t want to cook cocktails, the bar by the pool, the bartender is very rude, the reception does not want to help with questions, only one person from the reception did not refuse and treated us politely, his name is “Said”, you can calmly approach him, he is very polite and will help you, then the animators are a separate matter rudeness, no respect, we ask you to play your song, he refuses and shouts “no” his name is DIDI, but before that he played other people’s songs, he refuses us and is rude, about the slippers there were 4 of us, we were given 2 pieces on the 6th day when we were about to leave they brought 2 more pieces, about the suitcases, we called the reception before leaving and asked for help with the suitcase, we waited for them for 15 minutes, there was no one from the 3rd floor to the reception with a stroller with 2 suitcases and 4 large bags, we lowered ourselves being 4 girls, I am writing honestly and this review of the Albatross moderna hotel is not worth 5* stars, perhaps 4-3 but with such an attitude towards guests they should not have 5* we are very disappointed in this hotel and we do not recommend it to you, and if you are with older people, I especially do not recommend it here for there are no opportunities!
An excellent place to relax.Really liked the service from the room to the bar. The staff is extremely polite, speaks broken Russian, but tries very hard to understand what you want. The only negative is the entrance to the sea; in order to swim, and even then in the most limited space, you have to walk quite a bit along the hotel pier.We had no more comments) we rested together
Everything is great. The food is wonderful, the staff is friendly. Super bar on the beach
Yuliia BohdanovaYuliia Bohdanova
18:41 26 Apr 24
Great hotel, beautiful grounds, very tasty food. The animation team is amazing!
Maryna SorokinaMaryna Sorokina
16:09 26 Apr 24
Said GulyamovSaid Gulyamov
11:52 26 Apr 24
The rooms are spacious but the furniture is aged, bathrooms are old and not very well kept, mini refrigerator covered in rust from aging and has not been defrosted for ages, even room phone is all dirty and dusty. Room keys do not work half of the time so needed to run to reception couple of times a day to decode the keys. Even when the keys open the lock, the door gets stuck, so need to give several tries before you open the door. My room had a single king size bed and another twin bed for my child. As soon as we walked into the room and I sat on twin bed one of its legs fell off, so had to call maintenance team for repairs. Then, there was non working safe issue which needed battery replacement. On top of that, when you call customer support or guest relations nobody picks up the phone. Room cleaning and table service personnel were polite but cooks are mean and rude. Evening Entertainment is repetitive and very boring, there is no life music. Food was ok and the weather was great while I stayed April10-20.
greg bathogreg batho
06:37 11 Mar 24
Magnificent, sublime....Just missing interpreter in French
Johan Van EijkJohan Van Eijk
10:16 10 Mar 24
Ahmed El gendyAhmed El gendy
21:57 09 Mar 24
Hidaver MaliqiHidaver Maliqi
08:17 12 Feb 24
we were there with 3 children , we had to wait so long because the room was not ready and the kids was tired. We paid for a room with a sea view and got a room with a pool view. the room itself was clean but all of the furniture was old.it was all inclusive, but you only got ice cream for the children between 12 and 16 and there was only 1 station to pick up drinks when we eat breakfast and dinner. We had to go far to also get drinks and the selection was very poor. We got no tray so we had to go back and forth several times to also get the food, then salad, then drink, then fruit/dessert.same menu every day and both the children and we quickly got tired of it so we went out to eat the last 2 days. Very poor Wi-fi
17:58 08 Feb 24
Having visiting Sharm El Sheikh on numerous occasions, I can safely say that this was the best hotel experience to date. The location was ideal, the whole resort was beautifully presented and maintained. The staff were fantastic - Myself and my mother were looked after so well. The food was plentiful, fresh and delicious and a good selection of drinks available. The room was lovely and clean with an outstanding bathroom, plus much more storage space and power sockets than we have been used to. Everything was provided to make our stay comfortable and enjoyable. Very happy.
Miranda HansenMiranda Hansen
08:01 29 Jan 24
My husband and I travelled with our two kids 2 months and 1 year. We had a very nice time. Buffet was good and the food was varying from meats, veggies, soup, grill and everything in between.The pool area was also great for our 1 year old there was a 35cm cool and other pools for older ages too.The hotel was neat, clean and all the personel was so kind and always took the time to greet the kids and make sure we had what we needed.We will definitely recommend to family and friends back home.
Charlotte ParrCharlotte Parr
16:05 17 Jan 24
My second visit at this hotel and I had a great time! Staff are really helpful, friendly, always remember you and make your holiday a wonderful experience.Rooms always cleaned to a high standard, excellent choice of food. Evening entertainment was much enjoyable and the animation team are all fantastic and made us enjoy our stay.
Azar HussainAzar Hussain
11:28 28 Dec 23
Really enjoyable experience. Rooms were large and clean, water was hot, staff were brilliant.Kids had lots to do. As a Muslim family we felt welcome and were greeted with lots of Salaams!If you're from the UK, I would say that the hotel is more like a solid 4 star, but unless you're super picky you'll be very happy with the place.The food was good, with some variety, but as you'd expect with an all inclusive it was a little samey sometimes.The hotel beach is quite sharp and not pretty, but the snorkeling off the pier was a great experience with colourful fish and coral. The water is shallow for about 100m out where it drops off, so very suitable for young kids.
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