Rixos Sungate 5* – The Land Of Legends Access

Suurel territooriumil paiknev huvitava arhitektuuriga hotell Rixose hotelliketis. Omaette suletud ja valvatava alaga VIP-piirkond eriti nõudlikele klientidele. Väga lai teenuste ja tegevuste valik – seetõttu on ta väga populaarne meie turistide hulgas.
Kõigile Antalya ranniku "Rixos Hotels" külalistele tasuta sissepääs The Land of Legends'i parki + transfeer.


Ehitatud 2005. aastal, üldpind 250 000 m2, viimati renoveeritud 2023. aastal.

Hotell koosneb omavahel ühendatud 8- korruselistest peahoonest (Main building) ja 5-korruselisest Marine korpusest; kahest Terrace House hoonest (4 ja 5 korrust) ning Club Diamond korpusest (26 2-korruselist villat ja Poseidon Presidential Villa ning 4-korruseline korpus, kus asuvad toatüübid – Executive Room, Executive Jacuzzi Room & Executive Suite).

Olemas toad erivajadustega klientidele, saadaval on ka ratastoolid (tagatisraha eest) ning basseinis spetsiaalne sissepääs.

Kokku on 1076 tuba.


Asub 50 km kaugusel Antalya lennujaamast, 15 km Kemeri linnast, Beldibi külas, mere ääres.


  •  AEAI
  •  UAI

Meelelahutus ja sport

  •  jalgpalliväljak
  •  saun (kompleksis, Terrace House kõrval, spaas Main Building – tasuline): tasuta
  •  aurusaun: tasuta
  •  noolemäng: tasuta
  •  tenniseväljaku valgustus: 
  •  piljard: tasuta
  •  vibulaskmine: tasuta
  •  elav muusika: tasuta
  •  bowling (4 rada): 
  •  veesport: 
  •  massaaž: 
  •  tennise reketide ja pallide rent: 
  •  türgi saun (hammam) (Terrace House kõrval, SPA-keskuses, Main Building-tasuline): tasuta
  •  aeroobika: tasuta
  •  korvpall: tasuta
  •  jõusaal: tasuta
  •  tenniseõpe: 
  •  rannavõrkpall (2 väljakut): tasuta
  •  meelelahutusprogramm: tasuta
  •  lauatennis: tasuta
  •  vesiaeroobika: tasuta
  •  minijalgpall: tasuta
  •  sukeldumiskursused: 
  •  võrkpall: tasuta
  •  tenniseväljak (4 tartaankattega, 1 sünt. Kattega): tasuta
  •  surfi õppetunnid: 


  • a la carte restoranid: 7 tasulised. (Itaalia, mereannid, Hiina, Jaapani, Pan-Aasia köök, Mehhiko ja uus rahvusvaheline restoran Bloom). Tasuliste restoranide külastuse maksumus lastele vanuses 0 kuni 5,99 aastat on tasuta, lastele vanuses 6 kuni 11,99 aastat – 50% täiskasvanu maksumusest. Sisaldab ühte tasuta külastust restorani Cactus või Seafood, kui peatute vähemalt 7 ööd. (hotell jätab endale õiguse teha kontseptsioonis muudatusi)
  •  restoranid: 2
  •  baarid: 15
  •  sisebasseinid: 2
  •  spaa-keskus
  •  konverentsisaalid: 18 (kuni 6000 inimesele)
  •  rannarätikud basseini ääres:: tasuta
  •  dieettoidud
  •  keemiline puhastus
  •  arstikabinet
  •  Wi-Fi olemas (356 KB – kogu territooriumil): tasuta
  •  veepark (11 veeliumäge)
  •  pesula: 
  •  päikesevarjud, lamamistoolid ja madratsid basseini ääres:: tasuta
  •  juuksur
  •  kauplused


  • põrand: laminaat ( Superior Room; Корпус Marine )
  • põrand: plaadid (Terrace House korpus: Comfort room, Terrace Suite, Terrace Family Room, Family Pool House Ground Floor, Family Pool House upper floor )
  •  seif: toas,: tasuta
  •  tubade koristamine: igapäevaselt
  •  voodipesu vahetus: 2 korda nädalas
  •  põrand: vaipkate (vaid peamajas)
  •  televiisor: olemas (kaabel-tv)
  •  dušš
  •  föön: olemas
  •  konditsioneer: üld
  •  minibaar (vesi, õlu ja karastusjoogid – tasuta igapäevaselt): tasuta
  •  toateenindus: ööpäevaringselt,: 
  •  rõdu või terrass
  •  telefon
  •  vann ja dušš
  •  Internet: Wi-Fi,: tasuta


  • Jäätisemaja
  • haridus- ja loometöökojad ja akadeemiad: muusika, joonistamine, kunst, teadustöökoda, noore puusepa töötuba, keraamika, robootika ja LEGO STEM kodeerimise töötuba
  • Rixy Diamond Chef – kokandusklass ja šokolaadi töötuba
  • jalgpall, korvpall, tantsimine professionaalsetelt ja kuulsatelt treeneritelt
  • köiepark (05.01.2024-11.01.2024)
  • veepark
  • karaoke, Play Station ja X Box mängukonsoolid, Smarties Club teismelistele
  • Vanuserühmad: Lastele vanuses 0 kuud kuni 3 aastat (Happy Babies, vanemliku järelevalve all): Mängutuba beebidele
  • Beebi hooldustuba
  • Magamistuba
  • Lastele vanuses 4 kuni 7 aastat (Groovy Kids, meistriklassid, Köiepark (01.05.2024-01.11.2024))
  • Lastele vanuses 8 kuni 12 aastat (Cool Kids, meistriklassid, Play Station mängujaam, veepark)
  • Lastele vanuses 13-17 aastat (Smarties, Spordiakadeemiad (05.01.2024-31.10.2024), Mängukonsool ja X-Box, Karaoketuba).
  •  laste restoran
  •  miniklubi (Rixy Kids Club, uuendatud 2020)
  •  laste show
  •  mänguväljak
  •  laste veepark
  •  laste basseinid: 2


  • rand 720 m.
  • oma rand (puhastatud liiv/peenike kiviklibu), auhinnatud sinilipuga, hoteli kõrval
  • lastele liivarand
  •  Lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud ja madratsid rannas:: tasuta
  •  kai (2 kaid, 1 kõigile; 1 – Club Diamond ala tubade klientidele) rannamajad Club Diamond ja kai Club Diamond // vastavalt saadavusele): tasuta
  •  rätikud rannas:: tasuta
  •  rannabaar:: tasuta
  •  oma

Imikud (8 kuud – 3 a.)

  • beebitoit (pearestoranis olemas laud lastetoiduga)
  •  lapsevanker:: 
  •  beebitoit olemas


  •  Terrace Suite
  •  Executive Room
  •  Superior Room Land View
  •  King Suite
  •  Jakuzzi Room
  •  Executive Jacuzzi Room
  •  Marine Land View
  •  Marine Jacuzzi Room
  •  Marine Suite
  •  Marine Pool House Ground Floor
  •  Marine Pool House Upper Floor
  •  Terrace Family Suite
  •  Family Pool House Upper Floor
  •  Family Suite
  •  Poseidon Presidential Villa
  •  Family Pool House Ground Floor
  •  Comfort Room Land View
  •  Executive Suite
  •  Standard Land View
  •  Standard Sea View
  •  Executive Villa
  •  Grand Suite
  •  Grand King Suite

Main Building (peamaja, tehtud kosmeetiline remont, disaini ega mööblit ei ole vahetatud):

384 standard room (millest 7 tuba piiratud liikumisega külalistele, 10 allergikute tuba, max 3 + 1 in., 38 m2);

4 ühetoalist jakuzzi room (mullivann rõdu klaasitud osas, dušš, max 2 + 1 in., 35 m2);

12 kolmetoalist Grand Suite (elutuba, 2 magamistuba uksega, 2 vannituba, 2 TV, max 5 + 1+INF, 80 m2);

14 kahetoalist Family Suite (2 magamistuba uksega, 2 vannituba: üks dušši ja vanniga, teine ​​ainult dušiga, 2 TV, rõdu, max 4 + 2 in., 75 m2);

12 kahetoalist King suite (elutuba, uksega magamistuba, mullivann rõdu klaasitud osas, 2 dušiga vannituba, 2 TV, merevaade, max 3 in., 85 m2);

2 kolmetoalist Grand King suite (elutuba, 2 uksega magamistuba, 2 vannituba, ühes neist on merevaatega mullivann, 3 TV, max 5 in., 161 m2Club Diamond teenus).

Terrace House (täielikult renoveeritud 2019):

75 Comfort room ( max 2 + 1 in., 35 m2);

278 Superior Room Land View (renoveeritud 2021, max 3+1 in., 38 m2);

8 kahetoalist Terrace Suite (esik, uksega magamistuba, vannituba, 2 tv, max 2 + 2 in., 53 m2);

67 kahetoalist Terrace Family Room (uksega magamistuba, lastetuba, 2 vannituba, 2 tv, maks. 4 + 2 in., 58 m2).

Family Pool House Ground Floor (asub eraldi basseini ääres):

13 kolmetoalist Family Pool House ground floor (asub 2-korruselistes lisahoonetes, 1. korrusel, otsese pääsuga basseinile, pehme mööbliga esik, 2 magamistuba uksega, 2 vannituba (üks dušiga), 3 tv-d, max 5+ 2 in., 72 m2);

13 Family Pool House upper floor (esik pehme mööbliga, 2 uksega magamistuba, 2 vannituba (üks dušiga), 3 tv-d, pääsuga basseini, max 5 + 2 in., 72 m2).

Marine korpus (täielikult renoveeritud 2022):

126 Marine Room (1 magamistub, vannituba, max 2+1 in., 35 m2);

Marine Jacuzzi Room  (1 magamistub, vannituba, terrass, jacuzzi; max 2+1 in., 40 m2);

21 Marine Suite (1 magamistuba, 1 elutuba, 2 vannituba, 2 LED TV; max 3 in., 53 m2);

Marine Pool House Ground Floor (asuvad eraldi 2-korruselistes hoonetes eraldi basseini ääres, 1.korrusel, otsepääs basseini äärde, hall, 2 magamistuba, 2 vannituba ja tualett, 3 TV, max 6 in., 72 m2);

Marine Pool House Upper Floor (2.korrusel, hall, 2 magamistuba, 2 vannituba ja tualett, 3 LED TV. Elutoast viib trepp basseini äärde; max 6 in., 72 m 2);

Club Diamond:

26 kolmekordset Executive Villa (elutuba, köök, üheinimese magamistuba, duširuum alumisel korrusel; 2 kahekohalist magamistuba koos vannitoaga (üks neist mullivanniga) ülemistel korrustel,  rõdu, eraldi sissepääs, privaatne terrass pääsuga basseini; max 5 in., 240 m2, Club Diamond teenus);

16 kahetoalist Executive Suite (elutuba, magamistuba uksega, 2 vannituba (üks dušiga), 2 ТV, terrass otsepääsuga basseini äärde, max 3 in., 63 m2, Club Diamond teenus);

8 ühetoalist Executive Jacuzzi room (360° pöörlev voodi, mis asub platvormil, jacuzzi ja dušš, max 2 in., 51 m2, Club Diamond teenus);

8 ühetoalist Executive Room (max 2 in., 32 m2, Club Diamond teenus);

1 kahekorruseline Poseidon Presidential villa (Poseidoni villa – eraldiseisev liftiga ja valvega villa; 1. korrusel: fuajee (pehme mööbel, Ameerika baar laia joogivalikuga, söögilaud ja ümmargune mängulaud), televiisoriga puhkeruum, kaminaga elutuba, sekretäri tuba ja koosolekuruum, köök koos kõigi tarvikutega, 2 tuba teenuse pakkumiseks töötajatele (üheinimesevoodi ja dušiga vannituba), spordikompleks (sisebassein, saun, mullivann, jõusaal), välibassein ja suur merevaatega terrass; teisel korrusel: esik, 5 magamistuba uksega (2 külalistetuba – üks neist mullivanniga), dušiga vannituba, terrass; 2 laste magamistuba, dušiga vannituba; suur magamistuba vanematele – king-size kaheinimesevoodi, pehme mööbel, kamin, töölaud, kahe dušiga vannituba ja mullivann, kabinet; igas toas on kliimaseade, televiisor, minibaar ja seif, max. 10 in., 1500 m2, Club Diamond teenus).

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Based on 7755 reviews
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Mir S. H. Jan
01:44 21 Nov 24
So my wife and I planned a trip to Turkey and came across this hotel as an online recommendation from booking.com - No one from our friend circle had ever stayed here but we decided to give it a shot. And it was THE MOST AMAZING resort/hotel we have ever stayed in. The view, food, accommodation, daily activities, free access to Land of Legends, night life bands and orchestras and most importantly the super highly cooperative staff members and guest relation officers, they were the main reason that our stay became memorable. They have gone above and beyond to ensure that their guests are taken care of and enjoying themselves. No matter what you need they'll be there at a moments notice. I want to specifically mention Mr. Cihan (GRO), Ms. Yelmiz, Ms. Nadia, Ms, Mileke, Mr. Amirreza and Ms. Jihaad exceptionally cooperative and super caring people. Thank you! :)HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!
Stella Rogati
14:06 18 Nov 24
Görkem Bilgili
08:13 18 Nov 24
15:33 17 Nov 24
We vacationed with friends for 4 days. I'll tell you about the advantages first:We checked into the hotel very quickly and early (around 10 am)! This is really great! Large comfortable beautiful rooms, delicious food, good drinks, beautiful and large area, many swimming pools, cool bars and service in them.Now about the cons.The extra bed for the third girl was a terrible cot with springs. To say it was a shock would be an understatement. There were no bathrobes in the rooms, but they were provided upon request. The hotel is not designed for three adults in a room, that is, the minibar is filled only for two (they were talking about a can of beer, but no, they said it’s not allowed... by the way, the minibar is quite meager... drinks include water, cola, Fanta and There still seemed to be beer and juice... well, in general they talk very strangely, you feel somehow uncomfortable or something) but they brought a worn chair, a mug and a towel with a robe upon request. But it spoils the vacation a little that you have to ask for everything. It was very hot in the main restaurant, it was impossible to really enjoy the food (it was tasty and varied). This heat in the main restaurant is a huge minus! True, our last day the air conditioners started working, there was probably a breakdown that took a long time to resolve.And last but not least, don’t leave your money in the safe. My money was stolen from my wallet and bag. It’s her own fault, of course, but I was surprised that the hotel was not interested in finding the thief. True, when I discovered the theft (on the day of departure), from shock I could not imagine when it could happen, but on the plane I remembered the moment and wrote a letter asking me to look at the cameras at a certain time, thinking that this was important to the hotel itself. But I received an answer that I did not ask for an investigation while it was on site, but it’s a shame that this happened! So be careful with your money and use the safe!Overall I liked the hotel! Very beautiful, but the service is poor.
Mustafa ÇELİK
16:50 16 Jul 24
Price and performance are negative.There is no night entertainment.The variety of food is incredibly small,Beverage varieties are very few,If you think just the pool is enough 👍We came again 2 years ago, it was a great hotel, the entertainment, activities, night animations and drinks were very good, but now they are all very bad.
Sofia Dontsova
13:43 16 Jul 24
Service 3/10The beach is niceHulusi makes cocktails at the central bar very well!!Lots of interesting things (sports, yoga) super activityFood 7/10 not bad
kerim kerim
06:56 16 Jul 24
Max Theobald
06:26 15 Jul 24
The facility is very nice, the hotel itself is outdated, and compared to last year there were unfortunately fewer shows, only live music, you can also tell that there are savings this year, on the whole it was satisfactory
damar rizky
06:38 09 Apr 24
Merve G
09:18 08 Apr 24
We entered in the first week of April. Since the day we arrived, we have been extremely disturbed by the lack of personnel and the cavalier attitude of the staff serving. Moreover, they see no harm in expressing that they do not want local tourists at the hotel, in a way that Turkish guests like us can hear. The biggest problem, apart from the staff, is the food. At the hotel where we stayed with our baby, even a very simple soup was served the same kind every day. Pizza, slices of fruit, toast, etc., which are almost basically found in five-star hotels. You can be sure that you will never find different types of problems and that you will be met with a sarcastic tone when you submit such problems as a suggestion. Not to mention the stale nuts filled with roasted chickpeas served at the Lotus bar. Speaking of the bar, there is no entertainment or evening activities for adults, but if you have a special interest in Russian music, you can listen to it as loud as you want every day. Apart from all these, it should definitely be preferred for a holiday with a sleeping concept in very clean and spacious rooms. We are leaving the hotel we chose for my birthday with incredible disappointment and tension.
Gökmen Dedemen
09:11 08 Apr 24
It's a place where we came to trust the Rixos brand and were shocked by the thought that this wouldn't happen.- Most of the staff are sullen and shy to ask for anything out of fear of people. Only Ms. Nurgül at the lotus bar and Mr. Azamat at the Main restaurant were really friendly and polite, we thank them very much.-The number of personnel is insufficient. We are waiting to buy drinks from the bar as if we were waiting for an examination at the State Hospital. No one follows the order. Chaos prevails.- There is no entertainment or activity opportunity in the evenings. It just plays music and that's it.- Baby stroller service is paid. However, in many hotels, if it is available, it is supplied free of charge.-The food is really mediocre. Salads and appetizers are nice, there is a lot of variety, but the main course variety is really small. To put it simply, there are not even options like meatballs and pizza. Even the pasta is only one kind. The food is the same every day. The same soups have been coming out for 3 days. There are many 4 star hotels with better food than this place.- When you have a complaint or problem, you tell guest relations, but they just look at your face and laugh behind your back. This is a very casual and decent place. One doesn't even feel like they are being taken seriously.
Hello. Thank you very much for your friendliness and openness. We were very pleased to relax in your hotel: there is incredibly expressive architecture, comfortable places for walking and relaxing, and what a friendly and smiling staff!!! And those who cleaned the room, and the spa center workers, bartenders, waiters, cooks, nannies. The Rixie Club is a godsend, even for our not very sociable child. The rides and master classes were very interesting. I express special gratitude to the music coach John, he gave us unforgettable moments of acquaintance with musical instruments, showed us several exercises for practicing on the synthesizer, and he himself was an example of a professional, passionate about his work. We began to love music more!We were pleasantly surprised when we were checked into our room right after arriving at the hotel, early in the morning, long before 2 p.m. And at the end of our visit we were given an additional two hours in the room until we checked out of the hotel. And by the way, even an upgrade to our room category turned out to be an unexpected surprise for us. All these days we admired the interior and the view from the panoramic windows!True, one day at the spa center they gave us change with a 20 dollar bill, but it turned out to be an old type; it was not accepted anywhere else in any store. But, imagine, even when a couple of days later I came to the spa administrator with the timid hope of returning the bill, they calmly replaced it with new ones without further ado.We were also impressed by the opportunity to be guests of the hotel without using special bracelets and to walk through all the vast spaces of the complex, huge halls and even look into the cinema hall.Lunches, breakfasts, dinners are very varied and tasty. The sea is clean and transparent. The weather is super! Despite the limited activity of entertainment events at the hotel in March, we always found something to do, tried delicious drinks, cocktails and assorted nuts!We learned important words in Turkish: igunlar, saul) You have beautiful vases in the main hall, I’ll look for the same ones for home!!!
20:42 01 Mar 24
Пери Дан
13:07 01 Mar 24
I want to write a review. Perfect place. Excellent cuisine. We arrived in February and there was a warm pool. We recommend it to couples and married couples. Many thanks to manager Javair. For solving problems in seconds🌹🌹🌹🌹🥰🥰🥰🌹🌹
13:06 01 Mar 24
Everything was great! The service was on point! Special thanks to Javair!
Aykut alaz
10:09 01 Mar 24
It was a perfect holiday in every aspect.
I've been here before, that's twice as much. Everything was fine, the rooms are a bit old now.
The hotel is very large and has a complex layout. The location is very nice, it needs a general renovation, maybe the furniture in the rooms and throughout the hotel is old. These can be easily solved, but most importantly, the employees' indifferent, unfriendly and as if they are being forced to work, attitude does not seem like this can be solved. The waiters almost force them to bring something. I don't think anyone who comes to this hotel once will come again with this attitude. It's a huge building, a huge facility, but it's meaningless without good humor and service quality... Quality is evident in the details. Unfortunately, here
09:34 20 Feb 24
We went to a medicine fair during the winter season. It was a big hotel, clean. Although the food was repetitive, it was delicious. The gym was quite large but a bit far from the main building of the hotel. There was no passage to the theme park during the winter season.
Veli Yalçın
17:26 18 Feb 24
The hotel was nice. The employees are very nice and friendly
22:20 17 Feb 24
Mehmet Ünal
07:19 02 Jan 24
I stayed for a company activity. This hotel is not suitable for winter. There is no warm place to sit. The bar is next to the outdoor pool. There is no heating system around the bar. The food is below mediocre. I prefer not to stay personally.
Lana Mizun
11:58 19 Oct 23
We enjoyed the gardens, the beach, the different swimming pools, restaurants and bars for every taste and preference. The best Kids club I ever saw, being like a hotel inside the hotel with their own water park, adventure centre, restaurant, entertainment stage. All and all we had a brilliant stay, thank you!
Elnar Tursunov
06:29 17 Oct 23
The hotel is very nice and lots of things to do. I liked the worldclass and every group exercises they conduct. The area of the hotel is well established and very beautiful.What we didn’t like is the reception staff are a little bit rude. We were booked to have a sea view but get the side vie the room number 1801.There is a huge crowd in the main restaurant and the furnishings are old.
Konstantin Tuezov
13:42 02 Oct 23
Overall our stay was very good. Very good infrastructure and kids entertainment. Lots of pools to choose from. Good apartments with huge fan on the ceiling which make your sleep really comfortable. Small issues with a food, cause main restaurant is very crowded and food choice could be broader. And another issue is noise from neighbour hotel disco. But it is not critical.If you see a place for relax with small kids it is a solid choice.
Shahin Tasoujian
09:19 30 Sep 23
Although old, this resort is still amazing with lots of entertainment and activity options. Food quality and freshness was also good. We really enjoyed our vacation here.There are only two points that I didn’t like and needs improvement:- AC system was not working properly in our room and it was not cooling properly, and room was hot and humid, as I reached out to the hotel management, they said central AC system is old and can’t accommodate cooling all rooms properly when most of rooms are full.- Some of staff (specifically bartenders and restaurant staff) seem super tired, exhausted and unhappy (most probably because of over working or long work shifts).
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