Lastesõbralik, rohelise territooriumiga ja kena liivarannaga hotell.
Soovitame lastega peredele. Sobib nii rahulikuks kui ka perepuhkuseks.


  • Lennujaamast – 70 km
  • Kaugus lähima linnani: 6 000 m
  • Kaugus merest: 1 liin


  • ranna tüüp: erarand
  • rannajooni pikkus: 140
  • Kalda tüüp: liiva-kiviklibune
  • lamamistoolidtasuta
  • Rannarätikudtasuta
  • päikesevarjudtasuta
  • ranna lehtlad/telgid/paviljonid: tasuline


  • lastebassein
  • avatud bassein
  • Veeliumäed
  • lamamistoolid tasuta
  • Rätikudtasuta
  • päikesevarjud tasuta

Meelelahutus ja sport

  • aeroobikatasuta
  • animatsioontasuta
  • korvpalli mänguväljak tasuta
  • Bocciatasuta
  • Õhtused programmid / näitusedtasuta
  • veepalltasuta
  • Veesport: tasuline
  • võrkpalliväljak rannastasuta
  • noolemängtasuta
  • päevased spordi- ja meelelahutusprogrammidtasuta
  • minigolftasuta
  • Minijalgpalltasuta
  • lauatennistasuta
  • Vibulaskminetasuta
  • tenniseväljakseadmete rent
  • Jõusaaltasuta


  • Restoran
  • baar
  • basseinibaar
  • a la carte restoranrietumisstiil
  • Fuajeebaar
  • snäki baar
  • rannabaar
  • A la carte restoranid (tasuline)
Hommikusöök SEVEN SENSES RESTAURANT 07:00 – 11:00 Rootsi laud Ultra All Inclusive
Hommikusöök ELMO’S KIDS RESTAURANT 08:00 – 10:00 Rootsi laud Ultra All Inclusive
Hiline hommikusöök
Lõunasöök SEVEN SENSES RESTAURANT 12:30 – 14:30 Rootsi laud Ultra All Inclusive
Lõunasöök ELMO’S KIDS RESTAURANT 12:00 – 14:00 Rootsi laud Ultra All Inclusive
Suupistete teenus SEA STAR SNACK RESTAURANT 11:00 – 16:00 Rootsi laud Ultra All Inclusive
Suupistete teenus PASSAGE SNACK 13:30 – 18:30 Fikseeritud menüü Ultra All Inclusive
Suupistete teenus Sandwich Bar 21:30 – 23:00 Fikseeritud menüü Ultra All Inclusive
Suupistete teenus PASTA HOUSE 12:00 – 16:00 Fikseeritud menüü Ultra All Inclusive
Suupistete teenus Gozleme service 11:00 – 16:00 Fikseeritud menüü Ultra All Inclusive
Teeaeg PATISSERIE 11:00 – 18:00 Fikseeritud menüü Ultra All Inclusive
Õhtusöök SEVEN SENSES RESTAURANT 19:00 – 21:30 Rootsi laud Ultra All Inclusive
Õhtusöök ELMO’S KIDS RESTAURANT 18:30 – 21:00 Rootsi laud Ultra All Inclusive
Õhtueine SEVEN SENSES RESTAURANT 23:00 – 07:00 Fikseeritud menüü Ultra All Inclusive
A la carte restoranid
TURKISH A’LA CARTE RESTAURANT 19:00 – 21:30 Jah Ottomani palee, Local Kord viibimise jooksul Ultra All Inclusive
FISH A’LA CARTE RESTAURANT 19:00 – 21:30 Jah Mereannid Piiramatu Ultra All Inclusive(Lisa)
ITALIAN A’LA CARTE RESTAURANT 19:00 – 21:30 Jah Itaalia Kord viibimise jooksul Ultra All Inclusive
BARBEQUE A’LA CARTE RESTAURANT 19:00 – 21:30 Jah International Piiramatu Ultra All Inclusive(Lisa)
7 BAR 24 tundi Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta Ultra All Inclusive(Lisa)
7 TERRACE BAR 18:00 – 00:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta Ultra All Inclusive(Lisa)
BEACH BAR 10:00 – 18:00 Kohalik, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta Ultra All Inclusive(Lisa)
CAVE BAR 10:00 – 18:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta Ultra All Inclusive(Lisa)
SLIDE POOL BAR 10:00 – 18:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta Ultra All Inclusive(Lisa)
AMPHITHEATRE 20:30 – 22:30 Kohalik, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta Ultra All Inclusive(Lisa)
COFFEE TURK 08:00 – 00:00 Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta Ultra All Inclusive(Lisa)
OCEAN BEACH BAR 21:00 – 23:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta Ultra All Inclusive(Lisa)
DISCO BAR 23:00 – 02:00 Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid Tasuta Ultra All Inclusive(Lisa)

Hotelli teenused

  • wi-fitasuta
  • autorent
  • arst: tasuline
  • poed
  • Krediitkaardimakse
  • pesumaja: tasuline
  • keemiline puhastus: tasuline
  • konverentsisaal: tasuline


  • animatsioon
  • lastebassein
  • mängutuba
  • minidisko
  • mänguväljak
  • Lastetoolid restoranis
  • lastekärude laenutus
  • lapsehoidja: tasuline

Ilu ja ravi

  • massaaž: tasuline
  • leiliruumtasuta
  • sauntasuta
  • Hammamtasuta
  • Ilusalong: tasuline

Bungalow tuba

Ruumi suurus 25 m2
Maksimaalne külaliste arv toas (täiskasvanud) 3
  • Terrass / rõdu
  • konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi
  • dušš
  • tualett
  • sussid
  • hommikumantel
  • Padjate menüü
  • föön
  • hügieenitarbed
  • minibaar
  • telefon
  • kohvi ja tee komplekt
  • seif toas
  • TV: satelliittelevisioon


Ruumi suurus 43 m2
Tubade arv toas 2
Maksimaalne külaliste arv toas (täiskasvanud) 4
  • rõdujah
  • konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi
  • dušš
  • tualett
  • sussid
  • hommikumantel
  • Padjate menüü
  • föön
  • hügieenitarbed
  • minibaar
  • telefon
  • kohvi ja tee komplekt
  • seif toas
  • TV: satelliittelevisioon

Hotel standard tuba

Ruumi suurus 25 m2
Maksimaalne külaliste arv toas (täiskasvanud) 3
  • rõdujah
  • konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi
  • dušš
  • tualett
  • sussid
  • hommikumantel
  • Padjate menüü
  • föön
  • hügieenitarbed
  • minibaar
  • telefon
  • kohvi ja tee komplekt
  • seif toas
  • TV: satelliittelevisioon
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Based on 4859 reviews
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ali ılgaz
19:43 18 Jan 25
The hotel is excellent. We came to this hotel once and were very pleased with it, but unfortunately we do not plan to come here again because the sea is a bit wavy.
Alexander Shergin
11:56 04 Dec 24
A very weak hotel with a clearly inflated rating, do not be fooled by positive reviews, the hotel has a whole department that works out the hotel’s rating on the Internet, the hotel level is weak 4 stars, but not 5.I will list the main disadvantages:1. Absolutely unfriendly staff, the hotel is filled to capacity and the staff simply don’t care about the clients, others will come, everyone’s faces are stony and dissatisfied.2. Problems with check-in - only 3 times they gave me a normal room, the first was on the 1st floor, the second with access to a noisy disco.3. Dirty dishes with traces of stains.4. Cold food5. Lack of tables in the room for eating, sometimes you come and everything is occupied, the only option left is to sit with your child in the smoking area.6. Despite the apparent variety of food, 80% of the menu is taken up by tasteless rolls and fast carbohydrates of the same type.7. Disgusting room cleaning - sand and dirt remain on the floor, consumables like soap and other things are not replaced, although tips were left regularly.8. A non-closing door to the bathroom may be important for those traveling with small children.9. Absolutely uncomfortable pillows and mattress10. Water leaking in the toilet and shower.11. Modest hotel area and almost complete absence of shade; in the heat there is simply nowhere to hide.12. The territory itself is multi-level, which is why constant uphill climbs with a stroller are tiring.13. Uncomfortable sunbeds on the beach without mattresses.14. Bad entrance to the sea - deep and rocky. The sea itself is dirty and stormy.15. We were invited to animation only once. The activities themselves take place at 11:30 - the hottest time.16. The hotel does not offer fresh juices, not even regular orange juice, everything is diluted with Jupe or something else.17. Cheap paper bracelets that tore on the third day for all family members.18. Lifeguards on the beach and at the pool work until 16:00, after which you can safely drown.19. If something happens to you, a doctor at the hotel costs 110 euros per appointment, even if you have insurance.Separately, I note that the Coxsackie virus is raging in the hotel due to the huge number of children. Adults suffer from it very seriously; unfortunately, we are not spared from it.But even without this, I would still give the hotel a stake.Take care of your health and nerves and choose another hotel for your vacation. It's definitely not worth the money.
Elena Nes
10:23 28 Nov 24
Ilter Keleser
04:33 12 Nov 24
Tolga Osme
20:27 13 Sep 24
The hotel was beautiful in every respect. I stayed for four days.I stayed between 9 September and 12 September 2024. We had a nice holiday. The food was quite delicious. Food variety was wide.The staff were very attentive and friendly. The animations and entertainment during the day were very nice.Ms. Büşra in the lobby department was very attentive and helped with everything and the service was excellent.Thank you everyone..
Samir Brkic
18:59 13 Sep 24
Was here on vacation for 10 days with my family. I think the hotel is really great. The room is clean. Housekeeping lady Emine is very kind and does everything to ensure that we are satisfied with our room on a daily basis. Merve, who works with guest relations, is super nice, she helped us with everything we needed help with. A star. The serving staff do everything they can to ensure that we guests are satisfied. A special thanks to Ramazan x2 and Sude. They welcomed us every morning with a smile on their faces in the heat👏. The Entertainment team should step up a notch was nothing special 👎 but one from the Entertainment team called Kadir was great 👏👏👏 he was always happy and nice and always took the time to stop and talk and ask if we needed anything.Hotel really maintains a high quality. The food was never the same, a lot of variety 👍 The beach was absolutely superb. Would love to return to this hotel. A big compliment to the entire Management team who worked to keep quality at the top. A hotel that I really recommend to everyone 👍👍👏👏
kadir demirtas
18:01 13 Sep 24
In Turkey, they call those who fly and those who run away. For example here. I wouldn't recommend it at all. But try it anyway
Leszek Płucisz
15:43 13 Sep 24
I recommend SSB, a great hotel for a family holiday. Many thanks to the waiters from the terrace area, always smiling, friendly and ready to talk. Greetings to Mr. Ramazan and his colleague Ramazan :) Leszek "angler"
Gülşah Görgülü
11:58 13 Sep 24
Thanks to Mr. Cengiz who welcomed us in the morning, Ms. Guldal, who facilitated the arrangement and departure of our room, Mr. Diyar and Ms. Katya, who responded to our requests and needs with care in guest relations, Ms. Elmas and Ozlem from Sneak Bar, Kumru who helped us with the room, and everyone who served me kindly in every field, even though I did not know them personally. It was a very enjoyable and peaceful holiday for us. Our biggest regret is that we learned swimming lessons late in the kids club. But Jane, who taught our children swimming in 2 lessons in the last 2 days, is truly an excellent swimming instructor. Lifeguards Emre and Tuna took special care of our children because we told them that they could not swim.
Rob Longdon
17:56 23 May 24
Yuseffe and the team made it a very special night. Food and wine were excellent and the Greek food choices were really well cooked and flavourful.
Kaan BLC
14:34 23 May 24
In one word, it is a perfect hotel, amazing energetic, smiling faces. YOUR ANIMATION TEAM and Bartender Mr. Fatih. If this team is here, we are here every season. As long as you have such employees, you are always ahead, Seven Seas 😗
Yeşim Şimşek
19:43 22 May 24
We came on our honeymoon with my wife, everything is very nice, everything is wonderful, Fatih from the bar, Can, Furkan from the animation team, Mr. Hakan, you have a wonderful team, each of them is valuable and warm-blooded, we are lucky to have individuals like them and you to offer us such comfortable and fun times, our choice will be yours next year. seven seas hotel
Dr amjed Ajeel
13:06 22 May 24
So nice experience and kindly staff and everything is perfect 100٪؜ Im advice peoples searching for quick holiday go to seven seas … Im extend my reservation for 3 days extra… so thanks for all staff Thank you for everything to the reception
Christina Rasche
08:54 01 Mar 24
It’s a great and beautiful hotel! Delicious food and amazing entertainment! The animation team did their work really good! We’ll always come back 💃
19:43 21 Feb 24
Seven Seas Hotel Blue consistently impresses me with its unmatched excellence. This is my fourth stay at this exceptional establishment, and each visit has been extraordinary.The hotel's attention to detail in design and decor creates an atmosphere of luxury. The rooms provide a haven of comfort with modern amenities, impeccable cleanliness, and breathtaking views.What sets Seven Seas Hotel Blue apart is its exceptional service. The professional and warm staff goes above and beyond to ensure a memorable stay, making guests feel esteemed from arrival.The culinary offerings are a gastronomic delight, featuring exquisite dishes that leave a lasting impression. Whether it's breakfast with a view or a fine dining experience, the hotel's culinary expertise is extraordinary.With each visit, Seven Seas Hotel Blue reaffirms its status as a top-tier accommodation, seamlessly combining elegance, comfort, and unparalleled service. I eagerly anticipate my next stay, confident that Seven Seas Hotel Blue will once again exceed all expectations.
Peter TrendMicro
05:31 03 Nov 23
The hotel is not bad, it is actually very nice, the best was entertainment. However what is the weakest point is food. Food quality is below average, meat with lower quality(I do not consider kebab as meat). I would return to this hotel if the food had a 5* level but simply not. It is a pity.
Christoph Eisold
07:01 22 Oct 23
We stayed for a week in the hotel.The staff is very friendly and polite and they always try their best.The whole Hotel is clean - rooms and minibar are taken care off daily.Gym gave me oldschoolfeelings which was pretty cool.The pools and the Aquapark gave us a lot of fun.The food is awesome - every day there was another themenight in the Restaurant.The only thing not so good is the Alkohol - they are mixing the cocktails with regional alholi which Taste awefull.The rooms where clean but it is too noisy - me and my family slept so bad. You could hear every Word from the outside. Also they could be renewed they are a bit old.Exept some minor things we had a great stay.
Violetta Trach
02:46 22 Oct 23
We really loved the place. Service was on top. Rooms were cleaned, mini bar refilled. Food was good and there was a lot of food and drinks. The territory of the hotel is very beautiful.We especially liked the entertainment team. Special thanks to Nigina she was very thoughtful during our stay.What surprised us the most is the evenings event held every nights (dance performances, live music and etc.).The only thing that you might concern you before coming is sea itself. the bottom of the sea was full of sharp stones and it was going too deep right from the shore very drastically. As we didn’t care about swimming in the sea we enjoyed swimming pool.
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