The Grand Hotel Sharm El Sheikh 5*

Hotellis on suur haljasala, mis ulatub mereni. Suurepärane teenindus laia valikuga a la carte restoranides. Asub kaubanduskeskuse Il Merkato ja kompleksi Alf kõrval. Lähedal on palju restorane, baare, vesipiibubaare ja suveniiripoode. Hotelli läheduses asub ka üks kaunemaid korallriffe, mis tõmbab ligi snorgeldamise ja sukeldumise huvilisi.
Kuulub hotellide gruppi: Red Sea Hotels

Teave hotelli struktuuri kohta

Ehitatud 2008
Renoveerimine 2024
Tubade arv 627
Check-in 14:00
Check-out 12:00

Koosneb peahoonest ja 2-korruseliste hoonete kompleksist. *In 2024, the main building and several a la carte restaurants were renovated.

1. Relax Beachi piirkonnas tugevdatakse rannajoont. Peamisele rannaalale pääseb piiranguteta.
2. Mitmed hooned on renoveerimiseks suletud.
3. From July 9, 2024, the pools will be closed alternately for repairs. 4. The a la carte Mexican restaurant Fajitas is closed for renovations.
  • Toad puuetega inimestele: Ei
  • Ühendavate ruumide olemasolu:
  • Majutus loomadega: ei


Asub Hadaba piirkonnas. Kaugus merest: esimene rannajoon Naama Bay: 7 km Vana turg (vanalinn): 4 km Hotelli läheduses: Dreams Beach Resort 5*.

Lennujaam: Sharm el Sheikhi rahvusvaheline lennujaam

Kaugus lennujaama saabumiseni: 20 km

Kaugus lennujaama saabumiseni: 20 km


Privaatne rand 2 muuliga (kumbki 12 m).

2 rannaala (aktiivne ala ja lõõgastumisala). Randa minek mööda treppe.

  •  ranna tüüp: erarand
  •  rannajoone pikkus: 500
  •  ligipääs merele: kai
  •  Kalda tüüp: liivarand
  •  lamamistoolidtasuta
  •  rannarätikudtasuta
  •  madratsidtasuta
  •  päikesevarjudtasuta
  •  kai
  •  baar rannastasuta



Hotellis on kokku 10 basseini, talvel soojenduseta (sh 2 lastebasseini).

  •  basseinide arv: 10
  •  avatud bassein ilma soojenduseta
  •  lamamistoolidtasuta
  •  rätikudtasuta
  •  madratsidtasuta
  •  päikesevarjudtasuta

Meelelahutus ja sport

  • animatsioon
  •  piljard: tasuline
  •  õhtused programmid / näitused
  •  veesport: tasuline
  •  võrkpalliväljak rannas
  •  päevased spordi- ja meelelahutusprogrammid
  •  lauatennistasuta


  •  restoran
  •  basseinibaar
  •  a la carte restoranrietumisstiil
  •  Fuajeebaar
  •  rannabaar
  •  toitlustuse tüübid: AI
  •  värsked mahlad: tasuline

Al süsteem (kõik hinnas) sisaldab: hommikusööki, lõunasööki, õhtusööki, kergeid päevaseid suupisteid ning kohapeal toodetud karastus- ja alkohoolsete jookide teenust. Pudelivett tubadesse ei anta. Kõik joogid serveeritakse klaasides või tassides, üks tellimuse kohta. Kontseptsiooni alla ei kuulu importjoogid, kohapeal toodetud premium joogid, pudeli-/purgijoogid (sh vesi), värskelt pressitud mahlad, kohvi eriliigid, eriliigid tee, jäätis, vesipiip, tee/kohvinurk. Pakutakse õhtusöögiks a la carte restoranide külastusi (praegune saadaolevate restoranide nimekiri, tasuta külastuste arv, samuti nende külastuspoliitika – saabumisel tutvuge hotelli külalisteteenindusega).

Hotell võib omal äranägemisel ette teatamata muuta restoranide ja baaride lahtiolekuaegu, asukohta ja pakutavate teenuste kontseptsiooni.

Tähelepanu. Restoranidesse õhtusöögile tulemine on keelatud spordiriietes, lühikestes pükstes, ujumistrikoodes või rannajalatsites.


Hotellis on: konverentsisaal – kuni 80 inimesele (teatristiilis).

  • wi-fi fuajeestasuta
  •  apteek
  •  sularahaautomaat
  •  arsttasuline (ette helistamise korral)
  •  valuutavahetus
  •  pesumaja: tasuline
  •  suveniiripood
  •  keemiline puhastus: tasuline


  •  lasteklubi
  •  animatsioon
  •  minidisko
  •  mänguväljak
  •  lastetoolid restoranis
  •  laste vooditasuta (soovi korral)
  • miniklubi – lastele vanuses 4 kuni 12 aastat.

Ilu ja ravi

massaaž: tasuline


Standard Room – ühetoaline sviit, kust avaneb vaade aiale või basseinile. Üks kaheinimesevoodi või kaks üheinimesevoodit.


Saadaval on ainult üks lisavoodi – lahtikäiv üheinimesevoodi.



Lisavoodi tüüp lahtikäiv üheinimesevoodi
Põrandakate keraamilised plaadid
Vaade toast aeda või basseini
Ruumi asukoht hotelli territooriumil
Vannitubade arv 1
Hügieenitarbed šampoon ja dušigeel – ühekordne, saabumisel
  • rõdujah
  • konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi: tasuline
  • dušš
  •  tualett
  • rätikud
  • föön
  • hügieenitarbed
  • minibaar: tasuline
  • telefon
  • seif toastasuta
  • Prantsuse / eraldi voodi
  • TV: satelliittelevisioon


tubade puhastamine

toateenindus : tasuline

voodipesu vahetus

rätikute vahetus

Deluxe Room – ühetoaline sviit, kust avaneb vaade aiale või basseinile. Toas on üks kaheinimesevoodi.


Saadaval on ainult üks lisavoodi – lahtikäiv üheinimesevoodi.


Lisavoodi tüüp lahtikäiv üheinimesevoodi
Põrandakate keraamilised plaadid
Vaade toast aed või bassein
Vannitubade arv 1
Hügieenitarbed šampoon ja dušigeel – ühekordne, saabumisel
  • rõdujah
  • konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi: tasuline
  • dušš
  • rätikud
  • föön
  • minibaar: tasuline
  • telefon
  • seif toastasuta
  • Prantsuse voodi
  • TV: satelliittelevisioon


tubade puhastamine

toateenindus : tasuline

voodipesu vahetus

rätikute vahetus

Junior Suite – ühetoaline sviit vaatega hotellile või ümbruskonnale. Toas on üks kaheinimesevoodi ja diivan (ei ole lahtikäiv).


Saadaval on ainult üks lisavoodi – lahtikäiv üheinimesevoodi.


Lisavoodi tüüp mobiilne üheinimesevoodi või diivan
Põrandakate keraamilised plaadid
Vaade toast ümbruskond
Vannitubade arv 1
Hügieenitarbed šampoon ja dušigeel – ühekordne, saabumisel
  • rõdujah
  • konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi: tasuline
  • dušš
  •  tualett
  • rätikud
  • föön
  • minibaar: tasuline
  • telefon
  • seif toastasuta
  • Prantsuse voodi
  • TV: satelliittelevisioon


tubade puhastamine

toateenindus : tasuline

voodipesu vahetus

rätikute vahetus

Family Room – kahetoaline sviit, kust avaneb osaline vaade aiale või ümbruskonnale. Koosneb magamistoast ja elutoast. Magamistoas on üks kaheinimesevoodi, elutoas on diivanvoodi või kaks üheinimesevoodit.



Põrandakate keraamilised plaadid
Vaade toast aed või ümbruskond
Vannitubade arv 1
Hügieenitarbed šampoon ja dušigeel – ühekordne, saabumisel
  • rõdujah
  • konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi: tasuline
  • dušš
  •  tualett
  • rätikud
  • föön
  • hügieenitarbed
  • minibaar: tasuline
  • telefon
  • seif toastasuta
  • vaheustega toad
  • TV: satelliittelevisioon


tubade puhastamine

toateenindus : tasuline

voodipesu vahetus

rätikute vahetus


Hotellide kirjeldused on koostatud partnerite esitatud teabe alusel, sõltuvalt hooajalisusest, hotell jätab endale õiguse muuta teenuste kontseptsiooni, sealhulgas baaride, restoranide, basseinide jne arvu. Pildid on ainult informatiivsed. Kogu aktuaalne teave on kättesaadav hotelli ametlikul veebilehel. Hotelli administratsioon jätab endale õiguse teha hotelli kontseptsioonis, sealhulgas tasuliste/tasuta teenuste komplektis, ette teatamata muudatusi. Palun täpsustage huvipakkuv info enne broneeringu vormistamist.
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Based on 3196 reviews
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Yeliz Akkoyun
13:55 30 Nov 24
Ahmed Saleh was very kind. He helped us with everything.It was perfect stay thank for everything. Coral reefs and hotel beach, hotel beach zumba time was so gorgeus. Foods was normal(good) everything is good thank you Ahmed Saleh
Joselyn Renteria
08:55 29 Nov 24
22:55 25 Nov 24
Everything is very nice at the hotel. We went with our 5-year-old daughter, so it was a bit difficult because the amenities are generally rooms for adults, etc. Just as you enter the clean sea, you enter a dream-like sea full of reefs. As for the food, you will find something to fill your stomach as there is a lot of variety. The only ridiculous thing is that you have to buy the internet in the rooms extra with money. We would like to thank MOHAMMED KHALED AL, the most friendly and polite employee of the hotel.
Yasemin Özkan
11:11 25 Nov 24
First of all, those who call this hotel amazing must have never stayed at a proper 5-star hotel. We booked it based on those reviews, but it was a mistake.We stayed for about 6 days, and as soon as we entered the room, we started trying to get rid of mosquitoes. Despite our efforts, there were still too many mosquitoes everywhere, and the hotel didn’t seem to have any pest control measures in place. In other hotels we’ve stayed at, daily pest control was standard. Here, no one took any action or seemed to care—they just accepted the situation.Although the city experiences summer all year round, the room was equipped with winter blankets, which made us sweat excessively.The food was the most challenging part of our stay. While the dishes looked good, they lacked flavor. We didn’t go hungry, but we didn’t enjoy the meals either. Thankfully, we had access to the world cuisine restaurants daily. The Mumbai Restaurant, in particular, was unforgettable, thanks to Ali and his delicious dishes. However, both my husband and I got food poisoning from the evening meals at the main hotel restaurants. On the bright side, the Mumbai, Thai, and Italian restaurants were excellent.Yes, the price was reasonable, but this is by no means a 5-star hotel. It felt more like a 3-star property. Lastly, we noticed that the glasses at the beach bar weren’t being washed properly, which was disappointing.The sea and the underwater scenery were beautiful, but apart from that, we didn’t leave feeling very happy with our experience. On a positive note, the person who cleaned our room was incredibly sweet and kind, which we really appreciated.
Alina Simona
19:25 21 Nov 24
We had booked a room with a sea view, we got a sea view, but the door of the room had broken handles falling out and no one fixed them in a week. No soaps or slippers, although when we passed the staff room afterwards we saw bags piled with shampoos and everything else. Anyway, the hotel area is nice and tidy, the food is normal, the drinks are not bad. The beach is closed, the beach chairs are so old, towels are free, you can dive immediately from the sun, a very beautiful reef. There are many stairs in the hotel area, there is absolutely no other way to go to the beach or restaurants without climbing the stairs. In the evenings there were shows, dances, parties.
Ömer Faruk Tokat
16:32 09 Nov 24
Everything was amazing in this place. The food, the staff, the rooms... The staff even let us to leave our luggage in the lobby till our flight and offered to have a dinner even after we checked out. An amazing experience and I encourage everyone to stay here. It's the best.
Luisa Yepes
16:56 01 Nov 24
Our experience in this hotel wasn’t very positive. First we arrived check in was a 2:00pm and they made us wait for 1 hour, when we finally got our room, they gave us the wrong one (2 single beds) , not what we have requested (1 double bed). They changed it and told us they were going to give us a better room. However, once in the room there were no towels, we called and requested them, they never sent anyone with towels, despite the fact that we called 3 times, we had to go out and asked for them.The room was very low maintenance, floor was dirty and drawers full of dusk. The bathroom had a funky smell, the bed sheets were old and stained. The room was so out of maintenance that the toilet didn’t work properly, my husband got stuck inside the bathroom for 1 hour because the door handle broke. The door handle for our room also broke.In general, this resort offers great prices, but they shouldn’t call themselves a 5 star resort. The buffet serves ok food, nothing extraordinary, but if you make reservations to go to the other restaurants, what’s included in the all inclusive menu is actually the food from the buffet.
Ahmed Kinco
10:32 31 Oct 24
As a solo traveler, I thoroughly enjoyed my stay at the resort. The staff was incredibly helpful, accommodating my early check-in, and even upgrading my room when they noticed I was traveling alone, which was a thoughtful gesture. The entertainment team and chefs were always cheerful and provided great recommendations to enhance my experience. The food was delicious and varied, and the room was impeccably clean with attention to small details. Both the bars and the beach were excellent, with the chance to swim among fish in the beautiful sea. The resort is expansive, with clean pools and fantastic evening events that shouldn't be missed. I highly recommend bringing a snorkeling mask for an even better experience.
Emma Ejanee
09:00 15 Oct 24
We arrived early hours of the morning and was upgraded complimentary to an upgraded roomAround 1 am, we got to the room and it was pretty bad. The tap was broken in the bathroom. There was a humming noise which we turned off the air-conditioning but it’s still continued all through the night. It was so updated the drain smell and I just didn’t feel comfortable there at all it was quite a long way from the main reception from the hotel so I phoned immediately and asked to be moved. They said we couldn’t be moved into the following day so we didn’t unpack, finally we moved four times because each room that given us was pretty bad until eventually we agreed on one room which wasn’t as bad as the other that they gave us apart from that eventually 24 hours later we could unpack The young man that helped us with our luggage and moving rooms wasn’t the only one we kept seeing people going past viewing different rooms with their cases that looks extremely unhappy so they eventually got a room. He physically threw our cases in this open truck and cracked my case , another lady on the result also had her luggage broken by the same guy by throwing it in this lorry. He clearly had no respect and clearly doesn’t like his job will broke her case. I’ve come back from holiday with a broken case which was totally pristine to be cracked and bashed also a lady there had a wheel smashed off of her suitcase. Please can you make sure staff have a bit more consideration for peoples personal belongings because I feel this is unacceptable. But we startedour holiday to be totally honest with you the rooms do need to be upgraded but the surrounding grounds and the immunities of the hotel and the restaurants and the à la carts were totally amazing The outside of the hotel was everything you could ask for clean environment. The service was amazing the pool the beach every single thing about the hotel was great apart from the rooms desperately need to be refurbished. We had an amazing holiday despite losing out on one full day of our holiday we made the most of it and trust me once these rooms have been refurbished this hotel will be absolutely amazing. The food was great but I must say we preferred to go to the à la cart restaurant, the service was great. The staff were amazing. I hundred percent would love to come back , once the rooms have been refurbished
Sophie Roberts
12:24 08 Oct 24
Amazing holiday all round....The staff are amazing from the restaurant to the bar to the guy around the pool...The room was massive and very clean.... bottled water available from every bar all the time.... the food in the restaurant inside the hotel could do with better options but the ones just outside that's included in the all inclusive made up for that. We had the Italian twice and the curry once. Highly recommended.... A massive shout out to the guy working around the pool. He made sure we had clean towels every morning and drinks by is at all times. Very hard working man.... big shout out to the bar staff too. You guys made our holiday memorable 💙
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