Suurepärane hotell, mis on orienteeritud perepuhkusele koos lastega. Suure territooriumi ja avarate numbritubadega. Hotellis on oma veepark, 13 tenniseväljakut, suur spaakeskus ja hea meelelahutusprogramm õhtuste show-programmidega.


Asub 75 km kaugusel Antalya lennujaamast, 17 km kaugusel Kemeri linnast, Tekirova külas, mere ääres.


Ehitatud 2010. aastal, üldpindala 200 000 m2.

Koosneb 25-st 2- ja 3- korruseliste hoonete kompleksist:




  •  seif: toas,: tasuta
  •  tubade koristamine: igapäevaselt
  •  voodipesu vahetus: 3 korda nädalas
  •  hommikumantel
  •  põrand: parkett
  •  veekeetja
  •  televiisor: olemas (kaabel-tv)
  •  sussid
  •  rõdu
  •  dušš
  •  föön: olemas
  •  konditsioneer: üld
  •  minibaar (vesi, karastusjoogid tasuta iga päev): tasuta
  •  telefon
  •  mullivann
  •  Internet: Wi-Fi,: tasuta


  •  rannapaviljonid: 
  •  Lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud ja madratsid rannas:: tasuta
  •  kai
  •  rätikud rannas:: tasuta
  •  rannabaar:: tasuta
  •  oma
  •  liiva-kiviklibune


  •  restoranid: 10
  •  baarid: 13
  •  basseinid: 25 (1 soojendusega, 26 kraadi)
  •  spaa-keskus
  •  konverentsisaalid: 4 (60 ja 164 inimesele)
  •  rannarätikud basseini ääres:: tasuta
  •  A la carte restoranid: 4 (ottomani, itaalia, vahemere, idamaine – eelbroneerimisel,): 
  •  arstikabinet
  •  Wi-Fi: tasuta
  •  veepark (25 veeliumäge, neist 16 lastele)
  •  pesula: 
  •  päikesevarjud, lamamistoolid ja madratsid basseini ääres:: tasuta
  •  juuksur
  •  kauplused

Meelelahutus ja sport

  •  petang: tasuta
  •  saun: tasuta
  •  aurusaun: tasuta
  •  noolemäng: tasuta
  •  tenniseväljaku valgustus: 
  •  piljard: tasuta
  •  veesport: 
  •  massaaž: 
  •  tennise reketide ja pallide rent: 
  •  türgi saun (hammam): tasuta
  •  aeroobika: tasuta
  •  diskoteek: tasuta
  •  jõusaal: tasuta
  •  tenniseõpe: 
  •  rannavõrkpall: tasuta
  •  meelelahutusprogramm: tasuta
  •  lauatennis: tasuta
  •  vesiaeroobika: tasuta
  •  tenniseväljak (13 tenniseväljakut, 3 tenniseväljakut laastele): tasuline


  •  lastebassein: olemas
  •  lapsehoidja teenus:: 
  •  mänguväljak
  •  veeliumäed: 17
  •  teismeliste klubi
  •  miniklubid: 3 (miniklubi 4-6 a.; midi 7-9 a.; maxi 10-12 a.)
  •  laste puhvet

Imikud (8 kuud – 3 a.)

  •  lapsevanker:: 


  •  Deluxe Pool Family
  •  Deluxe Superior Family Room
  •  King Suite – 4 Rooms
  •  Presidential Suite – 2 Rooms
  •  King Suite – 1 Room
  •  King Suite – 2 Rooms
  •  King Suite – 3 Rooms
  •  Superior Pool Suite
  •  Superior Pool Grand Suite
  •  Deluxe Superior Plus Family Room
  •  Deluxe Room
  •  Presidential Suite – 1 Room
  •  Presidential Suite – 3 Rooms
  •  Deluxe Family
  •  Deluxe Pool Room
  •  Superior Villa

244 ühetoalist deluxe room (neist 6 tuba erivajadusega inimestele, max 2+2 in., 55 m2);

148 kahetoalist deluxe family room (1 tuba erivajadusega inimestele, 2 magamistuba, vaheuksed, duši ja mullivanniga vannituba,2 TV, mahub 4+1 in., 80 m2);

54 kahetoalist deluxe superior family room (2 magamistuba (1 neist vaheuksega), 2 mullivanni ja dušiga vannituba, mahub 4+2 inimest, 90 m2);

167 ühetoalist deluxe pool room (otsepääs üldbasseini juurde, mahub 2+2 in., 50 m2);

73 kahetoalist deluxe pool family room (otsepääs basseini äärde, 2 magamistuba, vaheuksed, mullivanni ja dušiga vannituba, 2 TV, mahub 4+1 in., 80 m2);

1 kahetoaline Superior Pool Suite (elutuba, magamistuba ilma vaheukseta, mullivanniga vannituba, 2 TV, DVD, merevaade, otsepääs basseini äärde, mahub 3 inimest, 103 m2, VIP-teenus);

1 kolmetoaline superior pool grand suite (2.korrusel, elutuba, magamistuba ilma vaheukseta ja vaheuksega magamistuba, 2 vannituba, 2 mullivanni, 3 ТV, DVD, merevaade, rõdult mööda treppi otsepääs basseini juurde, max. 5 in., 151 m2VIP-teenus);

4 kahekorruselist superior villa (1.korrusel: elutuba, köök, kodukino, ТV, DVD, klaaspõrand, kus all asub osaliselt bassein; 2.korrusel: garderoob, 2 magamistuba, vaheuksed, 2 vannituba, 2 mullivanni, 2 ТV, möbleeritud rõdu; oma bassein, aed (140 m2), max. 6 in., 200 m2VIP- teenus);

1 kolmetoaline  President suite (3 vaheuksega magamistuba, 1 magamistuba – stuudio stiilis elutuba, 3 ТV, DVD, 3 mullivanniga vannituba, merevaade, oma bassein, aed, max. 8 in., 180 m2VIP- teenus);

1 viietoaline King suite (elutuba, ameerika stiilis köök, 4 magamistuba, vaheuksed, 5 ТV, DVD, 4 mullivanniga vannituba, merevaade, max. 8 in., 400 m2VIP- teenus).

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Based on 3325 reviews
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doğukan çetin
19:28 12 Jan 25
hakan kıraş
20:30 30 Dec 24
The hotel is in a truly wonderful place, in a lush green area, with a beautiful sea, a sandy beach, absolutely no stones etc. There is a wide variety of pools and aquaparks, so some days you don't even go to the sea, entertainment awaits you in the pool sections until the evening. There is live music and different animations every evening. The rooms are large and spacious and even the bathroom is very well planned. The food is very delicious and diverse. All kinds of meals, desserts, salads and similar foods are consumed with pleasure. You look forward to meal times. Alcohol and beverages are served in bottles and real brands are not by-products. There are only 10 types of beer brands, they offer the best quality of everything, I liked this very much. The staff is always friendly and helpful. This hotel definitely deserves its name. Everything is premium really. It's a facility I want to go to again, thank you for everything.
KasımSss (Tolkien34)
07:39 18 Dec 24
It was a holiday that didn't really make me think about the price I paid. The area is quite large, but after the first day you get used to it and realize that transportation will not tire you. Generally, there are a lot of Russian friends, and they usually come as family. Both the pool and the sea were beautiful. If you have children, I definitely recommend this place. Other than that, the food was incredible. It is one of the rare places where I received the best service in terms of food and beverage.
15:09 14 Dec 24
Jelena Marenkova
05:10 04 Sep 24
Xiaomi Redmi
19:49 03 Sep 24
If you need chic, then this is here!
özgür çelik
20:49 02 Sep 24
oleg matiukov
16:03 02 Sep 24
Very nice atmosphere, the staff works great!
Kriszti Tar
06:32 13 May 24
06:38 12 May 24
Ali Er
05:17 12 May 24
Dmitrii Fomin
09:09 11 May 24
Anton Lapin
09:03 11 May 24
I recently stayed at this hotel and had a wonderful experience. The drinks were exceptional, from the wines and champagnes to the whiskey and beer, all served at a high standard. The staff were very welcoming and went out of their way to ensure a pleasant stay. The food was delicious, the rooms were clean, and the evening shows were entertaining. It's a fantastic retreat for families with children. Highly recommend!
Murat İlci
22:24 09 Mar 24
Aziz Diyar
15:15 25 Feb 24
levent sarı
06:45 22 Feb 24
Ap Fg
19:43 22 Jan 24
James Bond
14:49 13 Jan 24
Honestly one of the best hotels I’ve ever been to, the staff were friendly and amazing , there was tons of recreational activities multiple facilities and more!The food was amazing and plentiful from the buffet to the restaurant service was great and fast.The entertainment was amazing with a show every night that never disappointed followed by a small concert at the hotel bar.The rooms were clean and beautiful surrounded by lush’s greenery and close to the water park, beach and restaurants.The beach was honestly something else it was beautiful and clean and the sea was clear and beautiful watched over by well trained lifeguards.Would recommend👍
Amber Arooj
16:56 14 Oct 23
The BEST all inclusive resort I have ever been to, simply amazing. From the facilities, the service, the food and amenities for family’s and children, nothing could be improved on our holiday. A luxurious and top notch resort for the more discerning traveller, we are look forward to going back there next year as we really enjoyed our holiday there and wouldn’t want to stay anywhere else when we visit Antalya for a holiday.
Hanna Putjato
19:40 29 Sep 23
Overall, hotel is a bit outdated, but still it’s a good for the price you pay. If you travel with kids, there are plenty kid’s activities in the hotel.However, there are a few things which need to be addressed as some of them are related to safety:1) EXTREMELY loud music at the events. It’s super loud even for adults. But considering how many babies and small kids are in the hotel, volume must be adjusted for children. At least for children’s shows.Exposure to 115 decibels for just 28 seconds can cause hearing loss, and sounds of 120+ decibels are considered dangerous for children.Hotel management, please measure the level of sound.2) Fast driving golf cars on the pedestrian paths. It’s quite shocking how fast some of the guys are driving. There are so many babies in the hotel and they can just run out on the path and could be hit by the car.Please provide the training for staff/implement penalties for fast driving etc.3) There are signs everywhere that children are not allowed into the pools without swimming nappies, however, it’s being ignored by many parents, so would be good if members of staff would pay some attention to it and speak to parents if needed.
Alexandr Duke
17:38 13 Sep 23
We walked around the beach, and decided to swim on the beach, opposite the hotel. They behaved calmly and decently, we did not interfere with anyone. The guard came up to us and said that it was impossible to bathe! But this is not the case, the beach and water does not belong to the hotel.
Jan D
20:10 02 Sep 23
Have been here 5 times since 2014. Glory days are long gone. Service quality is at all time low now. We even needed to make our own bed every night. Overall place looks and feels like cheap 4-star Spanish hotel with same sort of guests you expect in such a place. Can unfortunately no longer recommend this hotel
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