Long Beach Resort 4*

Soovitatav vaikseks puhkuseks
Ranna kõrval
Hubased ja värskelt renoveeritud toad


väikeses Otukeni külas, u. 20 km Famagusta kesklinna, lähim restoran on 1 km kaugusel, lähim kaubanduskeskus u. 1 km kaugusel, u. 70 km Larnaka lennujaama.

Privaatne liivarand, tasuta lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud, padjad ja rannarätikud.

Hotelli ametlik kategooria – 4 tärni Holiday Village, ehitatud 1994 ja renoveeritud 2022, 55 tuba, pearestoran, baar, terrass, vastuvõtt on avatud ööpäevaringselt, seif, valuutavahetus, WiFi. Lisatasu eest: bussiteenus kesklinna.

Toitlustus: KÕIK HINNAS
Hommikusöök (7:30-10:00), lõunasöök (12:00-14:00), õhtusöök (19:30-22:00) – buffet pearestoranis; kohalikud karastusjoogid ja alkohoolsed joogid selleks ettenähtud baaris (11:00-23:00).

Praktiline info

  • Reisiesindaja: turistide eest hoolitseb Itaka reisiesindaja, kes abistab turiste saabumisel, lahkumisel ja viibimise ajal Põhja-Küprosel. Ta tutvustab ja registreerib kohalikele ekskusrioonidele.
  • Lennu kestus: Tallinn – Larnaca – umbes 4,5 tundi.
  • Kohalik aeg: sama aeg nagu Eestis (suveaeg UTC+3, talveaeg (alates 28. oktoobrist) UTC+2)
  • Keel: türgi keel, võimalik suhelda kreeka, inglise ja saksa keeles.
  • Pealinn: Nikosia.
  • Elektripinge: 220 V, mittestandardsed nn. Inglise pistikupesad – vajalik adapter (saab rentida hotellist või osta kohalikes kauplustes, hind u. 3 EUR).
  • Raha ja valuuta: Türgi liir (TRY). Valuutakurss 1 TRY = 0,034 EUR (seisuga 18.10.2024). Saab maksta ka Eurodes (EUR) ja USA dollarites (USD). Tavaliselt saab maksta krediitkaardiga. Turismisihtkohtades on arvukalt valuutavahetuspunkte (ka hotellides) ja sularahaautomaate.
  • Hinnad hotellides ja restoranides: mineraalvesi 1,5 l – ca 3 TRY, Coca Cola 0,5 l – ca 4 TRY, kohv ca 6 TRY, õlu baaris alates ca 10 TRY, õhtusöök restoranis ca 60-80 TRY.
  • Rannad: vaba sissepääs, päevitustoolid ja päikesevarjud on võimalik rentida tasu eest, sõltuvalt asukohast.
  • Lisainfo Põhja-Küprose kohta veebis: https://www.visitncy.com/.

Regiooni kirjeldus

  • Kuum päike ja kuldsed rannad – need on põhjused, miks paljud inimesed valivad Küprose oma puhkuse sihtkohaks. See imeline saar oma ainulaadsete looduslike kontrastidega on tõeline Vahemere pärl, mis meelitab miljoneid turiste üle kogu maailma. Need, kes on siin käinud, ütlevad, et kui maailmas on üks paradiis, siis on see Küpros. Päikesepaistelised liivarannad ja sinine meri vahelduvad majesteetlike mäeahelikega, mida katavad igihaljad metsad; tsitrusviljapuud ja banaaniistandused vahelduvad oliivisalude ja viinamarjaistandustega.
  • Põhja-Küprose kliima on selgelt Vahemere-äärne, väga kuuma ja kuiva suvega. Kõige rohkem vihma sajab tavaliselt detsembrist jaanuarini. See kliima on vähem väljendunud saare rannikul, kus meri toimib kliimavahelduste puhvrina ja õhk on üldiselt niiskem kui sisemaal. Mere temperatuur ei lange kunagi alla 16 °C (jaanuaris ja veebruaris); augustis võib see ulatuda 28 °C-ni. Mai keskpaigast kuni septembri keskpaigani paistab saarel 11 tundi päikest päevas ja temperatuur võib Mesori tasandikul ulatuda 40 °C-ni, kuid rannikul on üldiselt jahedam. Pilvi on saare kohal tavaliselt minimaalselt ja õhuniiskus on madal (40-60%), kuigi temperatuur on talutavam ainult suveõhtutel.
  • Küprose pealinn Nikosia on ainulaadne segu ajaloost ja modernsusest. See on jagatud kaheks ÜRO poolt patrullitud puhvertsooniga ja on maailma viimane jagatud pealinn. Ühel pool on elav Küprose kreeklaste lõunaosa koos oma vilkaste tänavate, turgude ja ajalooliste vaatamisväärsustega, nagu näiteks Veneetsia müürid. Teisel pool on vaiksem Küprose türgi põhjaosa, mis on tuntud oma ajaloolise arhitektuuri ja Buyuk Hani, kaunilt restaureeritud karavanserai’i poolest, millest on saanud kultuurikeskus. Nikosia rikkalik kultuur kajastub ka selle toidus ja muudab selle reisijate jaoks atraktiivseks sihtkohaks.
  • Magosa on rannikulinn Põhja-Küprosel. See on ajalooliselt rikas linn, mis on kuulus keskaegsete müüride poolest, mis kunagi kaitsesid linna sissetungijate eest. Magustose süda on selle ajalooline vanalinn, kus käänulised tänavad viivad võluvate kirikute, mošeede ja Veneetsia stiilis hoonete juurde. Linna pärl on iidne Othello loss, mille Shakespeare on oma tragöödias jäädvustanud. Magos pakub oma uimastavate randade ning iidsete ja moodsate vaatamisväärsuste kombinatsiooniga külastajatele ainulaadset kombinatsiooni lõõgastumisest ja kultuuriuuringutest.
  • Kyrenia ehk türgi keeles Girne on maaliline rannikulinn Küprose põhjarannikul. Selle võluvat sadamat ümbritseb keskaegne loss, mis on elavaks mälestuseks linna rikkalikust ajaloost. Vanalinna kitsaid munakivisillutisega tänavaid ääristavad traditsioonilised hooned ja hubased kohvikud, mis loovad rahuliku ja romantilise atmosfääri. Kyrenia on tuntud ka oma kaunite randade ja suurepärase Bellapaisi kloostri poolest, mis on hästi säilinud keskaegne klooster, mis asub mäel ja kust avaneb hingemattev vaade. See linn on pärl reisijatele, kes otsivad ajalugu, looduslikku ilu ja lõõgastavat puhkust mere ääres.
  • Iskele, tuntud ka kui Trikomo, on rannikulinn Põhja-Küprose Türgi Vabariigis. Iskele asub Vahemere ääres ja pakub vaiksemat ja rahulikumat puhkekohta. See on kuulus oma kaunite randade, nagu Kuldne rand ja Pikk rand, kus külastajad saavad nautida päikest, merd ja mitmesuguseid veespordialasid. Linnas on ka ajaloolisi vaatamisväärsusi, sealhulgas Püha Andrease klooster ja võluv vanalinna linnaosa. Iskele on tänu rahulikule atmosfäärile ja looduse ilule atraktiivne sihtkoht neile, kes otsivad rahulikku puhkust.
  • Küprose idarannikul asuv Famagusta on põnev sihtkoht, mis on tuntud oma rikkaliku ajaloo ja kaunite randade poolest. Seda kunagi kaitsnud iidsed linnamüürid on ikka veel alles ning seal on hästi säilinud vanalinn koos ajalooliste kirikute, mošeede ja võluva arhitektuuriga. Linna uimastavad rannad, nagu Palm Beach ja Salamis Bay, pakuvad lõõgastavat rannikupuhkust. Ärge jätke vahele Lala Mustafa Pasha mošeed, endist gooti katedraali, ja Salamisi varemed, iidse Rooma linna märkimisväärseid arheoloogilisi aardeid. Famagusta pakub külastajatele avastamiseks veetlevat segu kultuurist ja looduse ilust.
  • Bafra on rannikulinn Küprose põhjaosas. Bafra asub kauni rannajoone ääres ja on tuntud oma kaunite kuldse liiva ja selge veega randade poolest, mis teeb sellest populaarse sihtkoha päikesesõprade ja veespordiharrastajate jaoks. Piirkond pakub ka segu moodsatest kuurortidest ja ajaloolistest paikadest. Külastajad saavad tutvuda iidse Rooma linna Salamisi varemetega. Bafra on ideaalne koht, kus saab nautida lõõgastavat mereäärset puhkust ja samal ajal tutvuda Küprose rikkaliku ajaloo ja kultuuriga.
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Based on 5305 reviews
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17:23 21 Feb 25
The rooms are old but useful, the showers are awful, think about it, the shower cabin door of the room we stayed in was broken, they didn't replace it with a new one, so we used it without a door. The number of employees is insufficient, that's why they are all tired by the evening, so don't expect smiling faces in the evening, there are always queues at the bars, you have to wait ten minutes even to buy a coke, the alcohol is a little below average. I don't even want to get into the food topic and remember. In fact, we didn't eat anything other than chicken and potatoes, so of course you have to queue to get that. Not once was there anything about meat products, so the food is 3 star concept, there was a rubber band in my meal, so to say, you can imagine the cleanliness. Animation is lost during the day but the evening shows were not bad. If the hotel didn't have a pool or an aqua room, we would probably go out. The pool is very big, so it's not crowded, you swim in a tight squeeze, the aqua is quite big, some of the slides are not working, but they are enough for the children. I can say that it is the only place I like. The beach is very small and it is difficult to lie on some of the sun loungers that slope towards the sea. But the sea is beautiful, there are not many waves, it gradually gets deeper. There is about 600 meters between it and the hotel. Personally, I would not choose it again and would not recommend it to anyone else. It's a shame, there are better ones for the same price, this hotel is barely worth four stars and it's not deluxe.
Can Drage
20:18 15 Feb 25
I went there last year, the hotel is very dirty, the employees are disrespectful, the meals are always chicken meat, desserts are terrible, there are hairs on the beds, there are always fights in the rooms, the only good thing is their ice cream.
Mikail Eroglu
16:16 03 Feb 25
Simply bad
Bs (Szopen)
21:26 31 Jan 25
gülcan güner
17:01 29 Jan 25
We definitely do not recommend it. I would like to find out those who commented saying "this is very good" and ask them why they are lying so much. We went there with two families and we regretted it. The food was tasteless and bad. We ate outside all the time and everywhere was filthy. We went with a jolly tour. Nobody even showed us our room. If I didn't ask, we wouldn't even know which floor we would go to. No one said anything, let alone passing by the hotel again, I don't even think of going to Alanya, never waste your money.
Uroš Nedeljković
02:09 08 Dec 24
Room was ok, but for the extra charge for the pool-side room... not worth it. Halways are not well lit.Food was very bland - many questionable stew like dishes, bunch of french fries, which seemed like the only fresh thing there. I am not sure how can someone mess up a chicken roast, please tell me? Even if you suck at cooking, you probably couldn't overcook the chicken drums that they are dryer than the Sahara desert. And talk about desserts... Just a waste of sugar and artificial crap. I haven't realised that baklava is made with peanuts... what a sin.Given that the food was a toddlers fever dream - fries, pasta, mash potatoes... you could expect something to go bad there. And it sure did. During one of the dinners, a kid got sick and vomited all over the patio. You would think, oh that's bad, kid got sick. Sure. But also, you would expect for the mess to get cleaned up. Haha, nope. Not until someone slipped on the vomit, did someone working there came to take care of it. And you would think to clean, right? Nope again. They created a WALL AROUND IT WITH CHAIRS. Interesting.Beach is to say the least an afterthough to this resort. Just sad. Pool is fine, but then again, I came to the sea, not the pool.Entertainment team... AHAHAAHAH! The programme starts at the exact same time, with the same song. You could tune your watch by the song that is playin. Sure, there were some variations with the activities, but my God, the same playlist everyday?And of course, you needed to pay for the wifi, like what now?
kale jaff
22:58 27 Nov 24
Where do I begin? Our first impression of the hotel was nice then got ruined by the blunt and unhelpful receptionist. We were 3 families The rooms were so dirty and old, we had no pillows or blankets on the bed. The room smelt of rotten egg and the smell would not go. The hotel is old and damp and has a bad drainage smell. The restaurants are very, very dirty, full of flies. the whole place is a shambles. The pool was full of hairThe restaurant is filthy!!! Seats are torn and flies everywhere. Food is disgustinglyThe amount of rude behaviour we encountered from every member of staff in the hotel is crazy. I can’t name everything and every situation but it’s one of the worst hotels I’ve stayed in and it is not a five star hotel.I’ve never ever stayed in a place where people are so rude and absolutely don’t care about their customers satisfaction. The biggest mistake we made was booking this hotel I have said this to anyone I know don’t go there, to manger if you ever have time to red these you should be shamed by what kind of person and service you provide look after rudeness staff 🤢🤢🤢 if this hotel was located in any where in Europe I would call the police but there is no rule in turkey you are backing your people only 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Maria Kostova
06:48 23 Nov 24
We initially came to Hotel Alan Xafira for a week and subsequently extended for three more weeks! The hotel is located in an excellent part of Alanya amidst the magnificent beaches and serene sea side, offering a mixture of leisure, entertainment, relaxation and outdoor activities. The Reception personnel was very knowledgeable and immediately assisted us in English. Consequently, the hotel services were executed in a timely, professional and with a positive attitude manner. The excellent climate combined with a variety of Turkish and international cuisine, the pool surroundings, garden options and the entertainment scene contributed to us having a very fulfilling, unique and unforgettable experience !Furthermore, the hotel offers a series of options for guests during their stay including day city trips, outdoor activities and amphitheatre events. I am very pleased with the stay in this hotel!
Joanna K
19:54 20 Oct 24
I have a wonderful stay at this hotel. The service is excellent, with staff always friendly and attentive to our needs. The food is delicious, offering a variety of dishes to satisfy any taste. The hotel have a great atmosphere, and everything from the rooms to the facilities is well-maintained and enjoyable. I highly recommend this hotel for anyone looking for a peaceful and pleasant stay.
Anne Marie Bonnar
07:47 20 Oct 24
Avoid this at all costs food is disgusting and we are not fussy eaters at all. Lifts are always broken leaving disabled people stranded rooms are not cleaned properly and fridge does not work even tho reported. The music played until midnight is horrendous and not geared to brittiah at all. Only good thing was water slides but u can get these anywhere but food is massive let down and a fight to get food or a table cleaned and can't even get a seat as tables all dirty. Been to better 1 star and 2 star
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