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Long Beach Resort 4*

Soovitatav vaikseks puhkuseks
Ranna kõrval
Hubased ja värskelt renoveeritud toad


väikeses Otukeni külas, u. 20 km Famagusta kesklinna, lähim restoran on 1 km kaugusel, lähim kaubanduskeskus u. 1 km kaugusel, u. 70 km Larnaka lennujaama.

Privaatne liivarand, tasuta lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud, padjad ja rannarätikud.

Hotelli ametlik kategooria – 4 tärni Holiday Village, ehitatud 1994 ja renoveeritud 2022, 55 tuba, pearestoran, baar, terrass, vastuvõtt on avatud ööpäevaringselt, seif, valuutavahetus, WiFi. Lisatasu eest: bussiteenus kesklinna.

Toitlustus: KÕIK HINNAS
Hommikusöök (7:30-10:00), lõunasöök (12:00-14:00), õhtusöök (19:30-22:00) – buffet pearestoranis; kohalikud karastusjoogid ja alkohoolsed joogid selleks ettenähtud baaris (11:00-23:00).

Praktiline info

  • Reisiesindaja: turistide eest hoolitseb Itaka reisiesindaja, kes abistab turiste saabumisel, lahkumisel ja viibimise ajal Põhja-Küprosel. Ta tutvustab ja registreerib kohalikele ekskusrioonidele.
  • Lennu kestus: Tallinn – Larnaca – umbes 4,5 tundi.
  • Kohalik aeg: sama aeg nagu Eestis (suveaeg UTC+3, talveaeg (alates 28. oktoobrist) UTC+2)
  • Keel: türgi keel, võimalik suhelda kreeka, inglise ja saksa keeles.
  • Pealinn: Nikosia.
  • Elektripinge: 220 V, mittestandardsed nn. Inglise pistikupesad – vajalik adapter (saab rentida hotellist või osta kohalikes kauplustes, hind u. 3 EUR).
  • Raha ja valuuta: Türgi liir (TRY). Valuutakurss 1 TRY = 0,034 EUR (seisuga 18.10.2024). Saab maksta ka Eurodes (EUR) ja USA dollarites (USD). Tavaliselt saab maksta krediitkaardiga. Turismisihtkohtades on arvukalt valuutavahetuspunkte (ka hotellides) ja sularahaautomaate.
  • Hinnad hotellides ja restoranides: mineraalvesi 1,5 l – ca 3 TRY, Coca Cola 0,5 l – ca 4 TRY, kohv ca 6 TRY, õlu baaris alates ca 10 TRY, õhtusöök restoranis ca 60-80 TRY.
  • Rannad: vaba sissepääs, päevitustoolid ja päikesevarjud on võimalik rentida tasu eest, sõltuvalt asukohast.
  • Lisainfo Põhja-Küprose kohta veebis:

Regiooni kirjeldus

  • Kuum päike ja kuldsed rannad – need on põhjused, miks paljud inimesed valivad Küprose oma puhkuse sihtkohaks. See imeline saar oma ainulaadsete looduslike kontrastidega on tõeline Vahemere pärl, mis meelitab miljoneid turiste üle kogu maailma. Need, kes on siin käinud, ütlevad, et kui maailmas on üks paradiis, siis on see Küpros. Päikesepaistelised liivarannad ja sinine meri vahelduvad majesteetlike mäeahelikega, mida katavad igihaljad metsad; tsitrusviljapuud ja banaaniistandused vahelduvad oliivisalude ja viinamarjaistandustega.
  • Põhja-Küprose kliima on selgelt Vahemere-äärne, väga kuuma ja kuiva suvega. Kõige rohkem vihma sajab tavaliselt detsembrist jaanuarini. See kliima on vähem väljendunud saare rannikul, kus meri toimib kliimavahelduste puhvrina ja õhk on üldiselt niiskem kui sisemaal. Mere temperatuur ei lange kunagi alla 16 °C (jaanuaris ja veebruaris); augustis võib see ulatuda 28 °C-ni. Mai keskpaigast kuni septembri keskpaigani paistab saarel 11 tundi päikest päevas ja temperatuur võib Mesori tasandikul ulatuda 40 °C-ni, kuid rannikul on üldiselt jahedam. Pilvi on saare kohal tavaliselt minimaalselt ja õhuniiskus on madal (40-60%), kuigi temperatuur on talutavam ainult suveõhtutel.
  • Küprose pealinn Nikosia on ainulaadne segu ajaloost ja modernsusest. See on jagatud kaheks ÜRO poolt patrullitud puhvertsooniga ja on maailma viimane jagatud pealinn. Ühel pool on elav Küprose kreeklaste lõunaosa koos oma vilkaste tänavate, turgude ja ajalooliste vaatamisväärsustega, nagu näiteks Veneetsia müürid. Teisel pool on vaiksem Küprose türgi põhjaosa, mis on tuntud oma ajaloolise arhitektuuri ja Buyuk Hani, kaunilt restaureeritud karavanserai’i poolest, millest on saanud kultuurikeskus. Nikosia rikkalik kultuur kajastub ka selle toidus ja muudab selle reisijate jaoks atraktiivseks sihtkohaks.
  • Magosa on rannikulinn Põhja-Küprosel. See on ajalooliselt rikas linn, mis on kuulus keskaegsete müüride poolest, mis kunagi kaitsesid linna sissetungijate eest. Magustose süda on selle ajalooline vanalinn, kus käänulised tänavad viivad võluvate kirikute, mošeede ja Veneetsia stiilis hoonete juurde. Linna pärl on iidne Othello loss, mille Shakespeare on oma tragöödias jäädvustanud. Magos pakub oma uimastavate randade ning iidsete ja moodsate vaatamisväärsuste kombinatsiooniga külastajatele ainulaadset kombinatsiooni lõõgastumisest ja kultuuriuuringutest.
  • Kyrenia ehk türgi keeles Girne on maaliline rannikulinn Küprose põhjarannikul. Selle võluvat sadamat ümbritseb keskaegne loss, mis on elavaks mälestuseks linna rikkalikust ajaloost. Vanalinna kitsaid munakivisillutisega tänavaid ääristavad traditsioonilised hooned ja hubased kohvikud, mis loovad rahuliku ja romantilise atmosfääri. Kyrenia on tuntud ka oma kaunite randade ja suurepärase Bellapaisi kloostri poolest, mis on hästi säilinud keskaegne klooster, mis asub mäel ja kust avaneb hingemattev vaade. See linn on pärl reisijatele, kes otsivad ajalugu, looduslikku ilu ja lõõgastavat puhkust mere ääres.
  • Iskele, tuntud ka kui Trikomo, on rannikulinn Põhja-Küprose Türgi Vabariigis. Iskele asub Vahemere ääres ja pakub vaiksemat ja rahulikumat puhkekohta. See on kuulus oma kaunite randade, nagu Kuldne rand ja Pikk rand, kus külastajad saavad nautida päikest, merd ja mitmesuguseid veespordialasid. Linnas on ka ajaloolisi vaatamisväärsusi, sealhulgas Püha Andrease klooster ja võluv vanalinna linnaosa. Iskele on tänu rahulikule atmosfäärile ja looduse ilule atraktiivne sihtkoht neile, kes otsivad rahulikku puhkust.
  • Küprose idarannikul asuv Famagusta on põnev sihtkoht, mis on tuntud oma rikkaliku ajaloo ja kaunite randade poolest. Seda kunagi kaitsnud iidsed linnamüürid on ikka veel alles ning seal on hästi säilinud vanalinn koos ajalooliste kirikute, mošeede ja võluva arhitektuuriga. Linna uimastavad rannad, nagu Palm Beach ja Salamis Bay, pakuvad lõõgastavat rannikupuhkust. Ärge jätke vahele Lala Mustafa Pasha mošeed, endist gooti katedraali, ja Salamisi varemed, iidse Rooma linna märkimisväärseid arheoloogilisi aardeid. Famagusta pakub külastajatele avastamiseks veetlevat segu kultuurist ja looduse ilust.
  • Bafra on rannikulinn Küprose põhjaosas. Bafra asub kauni rannajoone ääres ja on tuntud oma kaunite kuldse liiva ja selge veega randade poolest, mis teeb sellest populaarse sihtkoha päikesesõprade ja veespordiharrastajate jaoks. Piirkond pakub ka segu moodsatest kuurortidest ja ajaloolistest paikadest. Külastajad saavad tutvuda iidse Rooma linna Salamisi varemetega. Bafra on ideaalne koht, kus saab nautida lõõgastavat mereäärset puhkust ja samal ajal tutvuda Küprose rikkaliku ajaloo ja kultuuriga.
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Hotel Besani
Based on 136 reviews
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nagy róbertnagy róbert
21:35 18 Jul 24
11:29 12 Jul 24
Dagmar CimrmannovaDagmar Cimrmannova
17:14 08 Jul 24
Everything would be fine, except for the fact that there is very loud music playing everywhere from morning to night, you have just enough in a week so that you don't end up in Kosmonosy!!! It's a shame, it poisoned the entire vacation! We travel a lot, but we've never experienced this anywhere!! One trip to Albania was more than enough! If you like a bit of peace, definitely don't come here!
Paweł WolskiPaweł Wolski
12:10 30 Jun 24
The hotel review will be quite long, so if someone wants to really find out everything, please take a look at the individual points.Hotel - a small, intimate hotel located on the main promenade and public beach. There is a small swimming pool at the back of the hotel, the water is clean and quite warm. A three-story hotel plus the ground floor and the ground floor of a side building (the friendly Happy Stay hotel).Beach - public with private deckchairs, however, you must remember that if you do not "buy" a deckchair in the morning, it will be rented to locals (mainly on weekends, during the week without any major problems). This is a bit of a joke because here they are just lookinghow to make money and they don't check how many sunbeds they can rent and how many they can leave for hotel guests. As for the cleanliness of the beach, it is also okay. It was supposed to be cleaned every day, but it is only superficial, when it becomes a foot, you can scrape up the pets and other remains that were a little deeper in the sand. The beach itself was supposedly supposed to be cleaned, but all the discarded grass is still there, except that it has changed color from green to black (from the sun). You have to be careful with the sand because it gets very hot and you can burn your feet.Food and drink - eating is fine, the same for breakfast, a larger selection for lunch and something different every day, the same for dinner. Of course, the salads remain the same and the main dishes themselves change, although often they are used from the previous day (pasta, rice, etc.). Of course it's normal, but it has to be done right and it has to taste good. You can't expect an explosion of flavors, it's just ok, you can eat it, but it's nothing special. The quality of the ingredients is average, sometimes you can find hair in the dishes.Water from a tank is available for drinking, and three juices and coffee are also available during breakfast, lunch, snack bar and dinner - nothing else. Don't expect that you will get anything else on all inclusive, it was quite a surprise and disappointment for me, because you can't count on even a small can of Sprite.Alcohol - generally poor, the wine is very average, the beer is typical piss, and the drinks are a disaster. When ordering a drink with vodka and Sprite, you get 3/4 of vodka and some local juice for color (Sprite is a premium version for an additional fee), you cannot drink it.Rooms - we had a superior room facing the sea. Overall, quite nice, you can see that it was recently made. There is a hairdryer, fridge, TV and air conditioning. The finishing of the rooms is worse, as the door frames show light leaks from outside and the doors do not provide much soundproofing. In the room, the electrician connected the cables incorrectly and there is no option to turn on the light next to the bed from the window side.The view from the small terrace in front of the room straight onto the Happy Stay bar (that's its name). In my opinion, in rooms number 3 and 4 you may feel the heat coming from the bar fridges (we had 4).Location - in my opinion, the biggest disappointment, because the hotel is located next to the Don Pepe bar, which plays very loud music all day long until 0:00. Another problem is that they play exactly the same songs, and the music operator can change songs after 10 seconds. The music itself is a drama, local songs plus "summer hits" such as Despacito, which is played at least 9 times a day. The music is playing very loudly, although no one is playing to it, even around 8 p.m. and you can still hear it from a distance. I hope this changes, because it spoils the whole mood, because overall the place is really decent for the price (approx. PLN 2,500/person for 7 days - "all inclusive" from Ithaca)The service - at the reception is definitely a plus, they speak English and are helpful, the service at the bar is unfortunately worse. When something is missing in the kitchen, they turn up their nose at the equipment and sometimes have a problem with someone asking for something.The cleaning service was a plus, the rooms were clean, the towels were always changed, but there were no additional towels for the beach - a big minus for us.When you arrive at the hotel, please be aware that your room may still be being prepared. Check-out until 10:00, check-in from 14:00, but they can go earlier - ours was ready at 11:40.
Roberta WawrzyniakRoberta Wawrzyniak
20:01 26 Jun 24
Harry TookeHarry Tooke
09:52 03 Sep 22
Thanks to Hotel Besani, we had the best holiday in Albania. The hotel is situated directly behind the beach and it looks exactly like it does in the photos online. It was incredibly clean, welcoming, friendly and safe. We were very satisfied with our room. It was mopped and cleaned every other day and we had a great size room, shower, bed and view from the balcony. The sunbeds were free and you could use them whenever you want. As well as this, the quality of food was very good, having different foods provided each day and more than enough. The included drinks were great and you were even able to take them onto the beach. There are plenty of shops nearby if you need anything.What really stood out for us was the excellent service provided by the staff and in particular Arli, Fabjan and Kristian. They speak English very well and were very hospitable to us and went out of their way to help with any issues we had and didn't expect anything back in return. We would go back just to spend more time with them since they were always in a good mood and their work ethic was exceptional and we recognized that!Thank you guys for making our holiday one to remember!
Michaela StejskalovaMichaela Stejskalova
11:05 31 Aug 22
One of the best holidays I have ever had.The hotel is in a very beautiful condition, maintained and very clean.The rooms were always cleaned, we had towels changed every day, the floor was mopped and the sheets were changed every other day. When it comes to food and drinks, we can't complain about anything, there was plenty of everything, fruit and vegetables too. Thanks to the bartenders, we had the perfect holiday. Guys were very accommodating, hardworking, funny, friendly, if we needed anything they were always willing to help. For us, there were bartenders- Fabjan, Arli and Kristian. We were very happy with them, they also speak English very well. Cleaners were very kind and receptionist was willing and friendly as well.The area is full of souvenir shops, shops for swimming equipment, food shops as well as many bars and restaurants. You can also take a taxi, or a bus to the nearest town Durres, a journey of roughly 20 minutes. As for the beach, it's right in front of the hotel, so you don't have to go far, it's clean, free sunbeds with umbrellas for hotel guests, easy access to the water. We were really happy with this holiday. And we'll definitely be back again.Accommodation- 5/5Food- 5/5Surrounding- 4,5/5Price- 5/5Staff- 5/5
Milan DvořákMilan Dvořák
06:29 29 Aug 22
Great place for vacation. Small but friendly hotel, amazing food, great beach, smily crew and quiet area! Not super crowded and it is very good for resting! Love it here…Staff is usially not willing to give drink after 10PM (following rules).Just for those having issues with noisy rooms: in the room you hear walking outside (all guests running to the breakfast and screaming are waking you up for sure), next door people (even more if they are on balcony) and noise from the promenade is realy too much (if you have sea view)… but with midnight this ends and you might hear only next door people.Uzasny bazen, uzasna plaz, lehazek zdarma daleko vice nez hostu! Proste parada!
Karla RodriguezKarla Rodriguez
07:46 15 Aug 21
The receptionist was friendly and spoke really good English.The rooms were nice and cleaned. nice view.The private beach.... guests book the chairs by leaving towels over the night so all good spots are taken.The breakfast..... we ate at 09.00 and almost everything was empty. So go up early!!
20:25 20 Jul 21
The hotel was nice and bright. You can see that it has recently been renovated. Rooms were clean and nicely furnished, equipped with air conditioner. Only the fridge was wear off. Sometimes there were problems with water. It was too hot or it wouldn't go down the pipe. No hair dryer in the room. No cattle or cups. We got fresh towels every day. Breakfast was below average, the same every day. There was nothing that you can give to a toddler. Ham, sausages and bread very poor quality. Nice vegetables. No juice only cheap sodas. Coffee was very good. Receptionist was very helpful, speaking very good English. Pool was nice and clean although the area around pool would need some work. It is hard to move around the hotel with pran because there are steps everywhere. Beach was very close and tidy.
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