Marika 4*

Pakkumise eelised
Lõõgastav puhkus kahele
Renoveeritud 2022.a.
Ranna lähedal
Hubane bassein
Moodsad toad


GOLEMis, kaupluste ja baaride lähedal, u. 15 km kaugusel Durresi keskusest; u. 45 km Tirana lennujaamast; bussipeatus u. 250 m kaugusel hotellist (ca 0,5 EUR/ Durresi keskus).


Avalik, eraldi osa hotelli külalistele, liivane, lauge sissepääs merre, u. 50 m hotellist, üle tee, tasuta päikesevarjud ja lamamistoolid.


Hotelli kohalik kategooria – 4 tärni, kaasaegne, ehitatud 2011, renoveeritud 2022, 39 tuba, 1 hoone, 6 korrust, lift, avar ja elegantne fuajee, vastuvõtt on avatud ööpäevaringselt, restoran – buffet- kohalik ja rahvusvaheline köök, grilltoidud, lastetoolid, taimetoit, “Ground Bar” fuajees; tasuta Wi-Fi; Lisatasu eest: toateenindus. Aktsepteeritakse krediitkaarte: Visa, MasterCard.


Hommikusöök (7.30-10.00), lõuna (12.30-14.30), õhtusöök (19.00-21.00) buffet restoranis; karastusjoogid ja kohalikud alkohoolsed joogid baaris (10.00-22.00);

Praktiline info

Giid: turistide eest hoolitseb Itaka esindaja, kes abistab turiste saabumisel, lahkumisel ja viibimise ajal Albaanias. Ta tutvustab ja registreerib kohalikele ekskusrioonidele.

Lennu kestus: Tallinn – Tirana – umbes 3,5 tundi.

Kohalik aeg: suveaeg – UTC+2. Talveaeg – UTC+1 (algab 28. oktoobrist).

Keel: albaania, võimalik suhelda inglise ja itaalia keeles.

Valuuta: Lek (ALL); 1 EUR = 107 LEK (ALL) (juuni 2023 seisuga).

Elektripinge: 220V.

Hinnad hotellides ja restoranides: lõunasöök ≈ 700 ALL, õlu ≈ 200 ALL, mineraalvesi ≈ 50-100 ALL, kohvi ≈ 100 ALL, vein ≈ 200 ALL.

Autorent: alates umbes 35 EUR päevas; bensiin – umbes 160 ALL liitri kohta.

Transport: takso – ca 1 EUR/km. Soovitatav on kasutada erimärgistatud taksosi.

Rannad: sissepääs on tasuta, lamamistooli ja päikesevarju rent – ca 5 EUR (komplekt – 2 lamamistooli ja päikesevari).

Kohalikud ekskursioonid korraldavad kohalikud reisibürood nende kehtestatud tingimustel. Ekskursioon võib ära jääda vähese rahvaarvu tõttu.

Juhul kui lapsega reisib ainult 1 lapsevanem või vanem, kellel on lapsest erinev perekonnanimi, peab reisijal kaasas olema lapse vanemate ühine nõusolek koos reisil mitteosaleva vanema allkirjastatud passi koopiaga ning sünnitunnistuse koopia või rahvastikuregistri väljavõte (ametlikud dokumendid peavad olema inglise keelsed või lisatud notariaalne tõlge). Juhul kui lapsega reisib täiskasvanu, kes ei ole lapse seaduslik hooldaja, peab lapsel ka olema kaasas notari poolt kinnitatud vanemate kirjalik nõusolek.


Regiooni kirjeldus

Suure osa 20. sajandist välismaalastele suletud Albaania on pikka aega olnud Vahemere piirkonna mõistatus. Tundub, et kuni viimase ajani olid Albaania kõrguvad mäed, keskaegsed kindluslinnad ja õrnalt laiutavad rannad vaid legendid. Albaania piirid said taasavatud pärast eriti jõhkrate kommunistliku režiimi pingete lõppu aastal 1991. Esimesed uudishimulikud turistid sellel müstilisel maal leidsid maa, kus valitsesid endiselt iidsed käitumisjuhised ja tuul vihises läbi Vana-Kreeka ja Rooma varemete pooleldi unustatud pragude.

Veerand sajandit pärast kommunistlike köidikute maha viskamist, konkureerivad Albaania vapustav mägimaastik, lagunevad lossid, elav pealinn ning unistavad rannad vapralt ülejäänud Vahemere rannikuga. Kuid kiirustage, sest kui kord levib jutt sellest, mida head Albaania endas peidab, võib see maa muutuda turismimagnetiks.

Piirkond on täis ajalugu: iidsetest akveduktidest, amfiteatritest ja termaalsetest vannidest kuni basiilikate, katedraalide ning linnakindlusteni. Albaania kauneimaks linnaks peetav Berat on suurepärane näide Ottomani impeeriumist, mis asub Tomori mäe kõrgetel nõlvadel, maaliliselt sügavas jõeorus ja meenutab valgete hoonete tõttu sageli Kreekat.

70% Albaania territooriumist moodustavad mäed, seega pole nende jalamil imekaunitest maastikest puudust. Mägede vahel asuvad järved, mis loovad veelgi suurema mulje. Albaania on kuulus mitte ainult oma mäeorgude, vaid ka kaunite randade poolest. Valge, puhas liiv ja selge türkiissinine vesi koos mägede ja kividega— selline on tavaline Albaania rand.

Kliima on ideaalne neile, kes armastavad soojust ja päikest, kuid väldivad lämmatavat kuumust. Suvel tõuseb õhutemperatuur 25-28 kraadini ja talvehooajal 7-14 kraadini Celsiuse järgi. Aadria merest kaugemal, mägises idaosas, on Albaanias kontinentaalne kliima.

Albaanlased laenasid parimaid kulinaarseid saladusi naaberriikidest Kreekast, Itaaliast ja Türgist, vaid veidi Balkani köögist. Näiteks kuulsat Itaalia espressot, mis on samuti pruulitud Albaanias, nauditakse ainult baklava või ballokume küpsistega. Oliiviõli, kikerherned ja juust on Albaanias väga populaarsed. Albaania kuulus 400 aastat Osmani impeeriumi koosseisu, mis paratamatult mõjutas riigi kööki, mistõttu saab riigis nautida Türgi roogasid.

Kotkaste maa, otsekoheste inimeste maa – nii kirjeldavad albaanlased oma kaunist kodumaad. Hämmastavad iidsed monumendid, mäed, rannad, järved, vahemereline kliima ja elanike külalislahkus meelitavad sellesse väikesesse riiki üha rohkem turiste, kes otsivad uusi autentseid paiku.

Kahest merest – Aadria ja Joonia merest – uhutud Albaania on üks väheseid Euroopa riike, mis siiani oma ehtsusega hämmastab. Albaania eelisteks on suurepärane kliima, iidsed mälestusmärgid ja köök. Sellel dünaamiliselt areneval riigil on palju nägusid, mille teedel võib kohata koormaga eesleid ja luksusautosid.

Seal on nii tipptasemel hotelle kui ka mahajäetud punkreid Enver Hoxha režiimi aegadest. Albaanlased on kiindunud oma kultuuri ja traditsioonidesse ning on turistide suhtes sõbralikud. Vähesed neist räägivad võõrkeeli, seega olge valmis kogema suhtlemisprobleeme.

Aadria mere rannikul asuv Durres on Albaania üks olulisemaid turismikeskusi ja suuruselt teine linn Albaanias. Selle pikka keskaegset ajalugu meenutavad paljud iidsed mälestusmärgid, ka Rooma impeeriumi ajast. Siin tasub vaadata linna iidse kaitsemüüri jäänuseid, Rooma foorumit ja amfiteatrit ning 2. saj. Rooma saunade varemeid. Külastada tasub ka arheoloogiamuuseumi, kus on eksponeeritud antiikajaloole pühendatud kaasaegne ekspositsioon.

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Hotel Marika
Based on 150 reviews
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Zoltán BirosZoltán Biros
21:08 13 Jun 24
Brigitta JirákováBrigitta Jiráková
20:01 11 Jun 24
Alojzy SzombaraAlojzy Szombara
13:34 10 Jun 24
Karolina BKarolina B
18:18 09 Jun 24
My husband and I spent a week of vacation in this hotel.The hotel is quite small compared to others in the area and quite intimate - that's a plus for us.Nice rooms, very clean, cleaned every day. The bathroom is quite small, but sufficient. The air conditioning worked perfectly, wifi in the room and on the hotel premises was flawless. The only minus - there was no hot water several times in the afternoon, but this was a one-off situation.The food is a bit monotonous, but very tasty and fresh. Every day for breakfast, cold meats, cheese, vegetables, jams, eggs, cereals with milk, yogurts, fruit and bread, lunches and dinners, several types of meat, quite often fish, sometimes pasta with mussels. Additionally, lots of fresh vegetables and fruit. Additionally, in the afternoon there are snacks, i.e. fruit and sweet snacks. drinks served in glasses, imitations of popular drinks. Additionally, juices, coffee, tea, beer and local alcohols.The pool is quite small and 1.6 m deep along its entire length. The beach is clean with sun loungers available - we were there at the beginning of June and there were no problems with finding a place both on the beach and by the pool. The area is very nice, close to shops, bars, restaurants and a long promenade. The service was very nice and helpful.Overall, I recommend the hotel despite some minor shortcomings. Very good value for money.
Szymon BoboSzymon Bobo
11:28 07 Jun 24
Very clean, pleasant hotel, very delicious food, different every day.Very nice service. We wholeheartedly recommend it 🥰
Eva SzebikovaEva Szebikova
08:35 27 Dec 23
Qani BlloshmiQani Blloshmi
09:29 28 Sep 23
Hana BrumlovaHana Brumlova
20:13 26 Sep 23
Clean, nice hotel, excellent service, close to the sea and that was the most important thing
Žanna AleksejevaŽanna Aleksejeva
02:52 24 Sep 23
julieta janakovajulieta janakova
10:05 18 Sep 23
We want to praise your 3 young guys in the staff here at the Marika Hotel in Albania, they are very nice, willing and skillful guys. The vacation here was great
Aivis StūrisAivis Stūris
11:36 15 Sep 23
Very nice hotel. Small, so no hustle and bustle, no loud company.The visitors are mostly aged 50+, so the whole atmosphere is calm.The hotel is on the edge of the resort, so there are no big shopping places nearby. Many tourist outlets (bars, souvenir shops, etc.) have already closed at the beginning of September.The hotel rooms are spacious and have balconies. Clean, bed linen changed several times a week. Towels are changed even every day.The hotel's private beach is about 50 metres away. Free beach chairs and umbrellas.The beach is sandy with small pebbles. Very gentle shore and safe for swimming. Water warm, few jellyfish. Not too many people either.The food is excellent. Despite the small price of the hotel, the food offer is good. It changes every day and you can always fully satisfy your appetite. The local drinks are tasty. The beer is excellent! The cocktails are also delicious.The staff are very polite, helpful and accommodating. Fluent in English, so no problems solving problems.In the evenings there is live music in the surrounding hotels and bars. However, it always dims down around 22.00-23.00 and does not disturb the night.This hotel is suitable for those who want to relax and take a break from everyday life.This is a place you would definitely like to come back to!
Esad RebronjaEsad Rebronja
23:01 18 Aug 23
This was my first summer holiday in Albania. I was there from 13th till 18th August. I was there with my wife and two small kids.Most reviews I have read about this hotel are true. The one with five and those with one star. I guess we are only different based on our expectations. I had low expectations and I was wrong.All reviews say that rooms are very clean and they really are. The only problem was that I was on the last floor (fourth) and elevator was not working. I used the stairs and survived. I had wifi in room. I had multiple whatsapp and viber video calls without interuptions.Guys and girls working in hotel are very nice, knows English very well and are commited to found solution for your troubles and are very patient with your hyperactive kids.Location is good. Very close to the hotel beach where you could always find place. There is also large amount of shops, bakeries, pizza places near. Everything is about five minutes away.Food is ok. I was not hungry, definitely. I always found something to eat even though breakfast was repetative, but I ate every morning differently. I forgot to write that I paid for breakfast and dinner only. This and, I think, most hotels in Albanian coast have All inclusive concept that includes only breakfast, lunch and dinner with drinks all day. I chose to eat lunch out of hotel so I won't interupt my beach activities, or to say correctly, my kids activities.In total, I was really satisfied with what I paid for. There are some things that could be better, but Albania is young tourist country. Last time I visited Albania before this trip it was far worse experience. Now, it is very possible that I will visit Albania again in summer months, maybe even this hotel if possible.PS. I forgot to mention that hotel has basement parking that fits six or seven, maybe even more cars. This is probably important info for someone who, like me, drives newest Mercedes S class. I actually drive 20 year old A class, but it has some identity crisis issues. 🙂
Didzis KantinsDidzis Kantins
14:46 17 Aug 23
All InclusiveWe were in this hotel, august 10. - 17., year 2023, for all inclusive, two adults.Let's start with GOOD things - hotel is esthetic and clean, rooms, towels, bedsheets are changed daily, windows, stairs, WC, bathrooms, floors - everything is perfectly clean. Hotel have good location next to little cafes, markets, shops, bakeries and also first line near to the beach, it has it own territory at beach side with sun - umbrellas and sun loungers. Stuff (almost everyone) in hotel is able to speak, almost, fluenty English, so that's a plus too. Also, air conditioner in rooms works perfectly.BAD things - in third day of living in hotel, the elevator stops working and they never fixed it until the day we leave. There is NO little shampoo or shower gel or things like that in you bathroom. Wifi in hotel is very poor - impossible to work and almost impossible to just surf in internet. Water in pool is super cold, and also the biggest part of the day at poolside is shadow, so impossible to get tanned there. The BIGGEST PROBLEM in this hotel is food, actually, "All Inclusive" concept for this hotel is totally not working - between meal times there is no snacks (twice, while week of visiting, they put breakfast leftovers like snacks, on bar table) the only thing you can get is non alcoholic and alcoholic drinks in inside bar (no fresh juices, only softdrinks), water or tea. At breakfast there is coffee machine where you can get coffee, milk and cacao,but all of them are strongly mixed with water and comes out almost without taste. In lunchtime and dinner there is mostly one kind of meet - beef of pork, the side options are poor, and about 20 minutes after start of every meal time, food area is without any meat and there is just some salat leaves, tomato's and not enjoyable fruits, the biggest part of guest's don't get any food. When you get in this situation and start to talk about that with hotels stuff, they getting rude and answering that hotel is too full with guest's and they just can't do nothing about that. Also, that little amount of food (which you can get if you are fast) which they are making are not very enjoyable, when you eat that food, you have a feeling the Chef don't really understand what he needs to do. Food quality is bad, fruit quality ( watermelons, peaches, plumbs, pears, melons) are also not good, they are unripe or shriveled. Salt on the tables are completely wet and impossible to use. Also, at lunch and dinner there is not enough space for everyone, at the food area, to even take a seat. Also, once in found black hair in my dinner.And the most funniest part - leaving the hotel. So, in the morning when we were leaving,our tourist bus comes at 7:25, but breakfast starts at 7:30 - we didn't get them, when we were asking if we can get at least coffee - bartenders answer were - Only if you gonna pay (but we paid, we paid for 7 nights and 8 days, in our first day we arrived at evening, so we get dinner on arrival day , so there should be two meals for last day, otherwise you actually give them your money like present for last day.Be careful, this is not all inclusive. This is not 4 stars. This is not vacation you wanna. DON'T BOOK.
Zsuzsanna BarancsiZsuzsanna Barancsi
18:55 20 Jun 23
Love the hotel, location and staff 5*. Especially thanks all the help and kindness to the hotel manager. It was a nice holiday.
Joshua NewtonJoshua Newton
11:50 02 Aug 19
Really lovely hotel with the most friendly, welcoming staff ever! They speak very good English and go out of their way to help you out! Rooms are on the basic side but are comfortable with good air con. Lovely bar / restaurant on the top level with sea views. Great location next to many restaurants, bars and a couple of minutes walk to the beach. Breakfast is adequate but not amazing. Recommend.
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