Salamis Bay Conti Resort 5*

Pakkumise eelised
Suur kuurort laia teenuste valikuga
Ultra all inclusive
Sobib lastega peredele
Otse privaatse liivaranna kõrval
Palju tegevusi


U. 8 km kaugusel Famagusta keskusest, u. 3,7 km kaugusel Püha Barnabase kloostrist, restoranid ja kohvikud 500 m kaugusel, u. 62 km kaugusel Larnaka lennujaamast.


Privaatne, liivane ja pontoonsild lamamistoolide ja päevitamise alaga otse hotelli kõrval, lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud ja rätikud tasuta, rannabaar on osa “ kõik hinnas” progammist.


Hotelli ametlik kategooria – 5 tärni, 664 tuba , koosneb peahoonest, 2 kõrvalhoonest ja villadest, fuajee, vastuvõtt on avatud ööpäevaringselt, pearestoran (buffet), 2 a la carte restorani (Hiina ja Itaalia, tasu eest ja ettetellimisel), 7 baari, kohvik, suupistebaar, disko, valuutavahetus, WiFi, meditsiiniõde. Lisatasu eest: juuksur, ilusalong, kasiino, miniturg, autorent, pesumaja ja keemiline puhastuse teenused.

Praktiline info

  • Reisiesindaja: turistide eest hoolitseb Itaka reisiesindaja, kes abistab turiste saabumisel, lahkumisel ja viibimise ajal Põhja-Küprosel. Ta tutvustab ja registreerib kohalikele ekskusrioonidele.
  • Lennu kestus: Tallinn – Larnaca – umbes 4,5 tundi.
  • Kohalik aeg: sama aeg nagu Eestis (suveaeg UTC+3, talveaeg (alates 28. oktoobrist) UTC+2)
  • Keel: türgi keel, võimalik suhelda kreeka, inglise ja saksa keeles.
  • Pealinn: Nikosia.
  • Elektripinge: 220 V, mittestandardsed nn. Inglise pistikupesad – vajalik adapter (saab rentida hotellist või osta kohalikes kauplustes, hind u. 3 EUR).
  • Raha ja valuuta: Türgi liir (TRY). Valuutakurss 1 TRY = 0,034 EUR (seisuga 18.10.2024). Saab maksta ka Eurodes (EUR) ja USA dollarites (USD). Tavaliselt saab maksta krediitkaardiga. Turismisihtkohtades on arvukalt valuutavahetuspunkte (ka hotellides) ja sularahaautomaate.
  • Hinnad hotellides ja restoranides: mineraalvesi 1,5 l – ca 3 TRY, Coca Cola 0,5 l – ca 4 TRY, kohv ca 6 TRY, õlu baaris alates ca 10 TRY, õhtusöök restoranis ca 60-80 TRY.
  • Rannad: vaba sissepääs, päevitustoolid ja päikesevarjud on võimalik rentida tasu eest, sõltuvalt asukohast.
  • Lisainfo Põhja-Küprose kohta veebis:

Regiooni kirjeldus

  • Kuum päike ja kuldsed rannad – need on põhjused, miks paljud inimesed valivad Küprose oma puhkuse sihtkohaks. See imeline saar oma ainulaadsete looduslike kontrastidega on tõeline Vahemere pärl, mis meelitab miljoneid turiste üle kogu maailma. Need, kes on siin käinud, ütlevad, et kui maailmas on üks paradiis, siis on see Küpros. Päikesepaistelised liivarannad ja sinine meri vahelduvad majesteetlike mäeahelikega, mida katavad igihaljad metsad; tsitrusviljapuud ja banaaniistandused vahelduvad oliivisalude ja viinamarjaistandustega.
  • Põhja-Küprose kliima on selgelt Vahemere-äärne, väga kuuma ja kuiva suvega. Kõige rohkem vihma sajab tavaliselt detsembrist jaanuarini. See kliima on vähem väljendunud saare rannikul, kus meri toimib kliimavahelduste puhvrina ja õhk on üldiselt niiskem kui sisemaal. Mere temperatuur ei lange kunagi alla 16 °C (jaanuaris ja veebruaris); augustis võib see ulatuda 28 °C-ni. Mai keskpaigast kuni septembri keskpaigani paistab saarel 11 tundi päikest päevas ja temperatuur võib Mesori tasandikul ulatuda 40 °C-ni, kuid rannikul on üldiselt jahedam. Pilvi on saare kohal tavaliselt minimaalselt ja õhuniiskus on madal (40-60%), kuigi temperatuur on talutavam ainult suveõhtutel.
  • Küprose pealinn Nikosia on ainulaadne segu ajaloost ja modernsusest. See on jagatud kaheks ÜRO poolt patrullitud puhvertsooniga ja on maailma viimane jagatud pealinn. Ühel pool on elav Küprose kreeklaste lõunaosa koos oma vilkaste tänavate, turgude ja ajalooliste vaatamisväärsustega, nagu näiteks Veneetsia müürid. Teisel pool on vaiksem Küprose türgi põhjaosa, mis on tuntud oma ajaloolise arhitektuuri ja Buyuk Hani, kaunilt restaureeritud karavanserai’i poolest, millest on saanud kultuurikeskus. Nikosia rikkalik kultuur kajastub ka selle toidus ja muudab selle reisijate jaoks atraktiivseks sihtkohaks.
  • Magosa on rannikulinn Põhja-Küprosel. See on ajalooliselt rikas linn, mis on kuulus keskaegsete müüride poolest, mis kunagi kaitsesid linna sissetungijate eest. Magustose süda on selle ajalooline vanalinn, kus käänulised tänavad viivad võluvate kirikute, mošeede ja Veneetsia stiilis hoonete juurde. Linna pärl on iidne Othello loss, mille Shakespeare on oma tragöödias jäädvustanud. Magos pakub oma uimastavate randade ning iidsete ja moodsate vaatamisväärsuste kombinatsiooniga külastajatele ainulaadset kombinatsiooni lõõgastumisest ja kultuuriuuringutest.
  • Kyrenia ehk türgi keeles Girne on maaliline rannikulinn Küprose põhjarannikul. Selle võluvat sadamat ümbritseb keskaegne loss, mis on elavaks mälestuseks linna rikkalikust ajaloost. Vanalinna kitsaid munakivisillutisega tänavaid ääristavad traditsioonilised hooned ja hubased kohvikud, mis loovad rahuliku ja romantilise atmosfääri. Kyrenia on tuntud ka oma kaunite randade ja suurepärase Bellapaisi kloostri poolest, mis on hästi säilinud keskaegne klooster, mis asub mäel ja kust avaneb hingemattev vaade. See linn on pärl reisijatele, kes otsivad ajalugu, looduslikku ilu ja lõõgastavat puhkust mere ääres.
  • Iskele, tuntud ka kui Trikomo, on rannikulinn Põhja-Küprose Türgi Vabariigis. Iskele asub Vahemere ääres ja pakub vaiksemat ja rahulikumat puhkekohta. See on kuulus oma kaunite randade, nagu Kuldne rand ja Pikk rand, kus külastajad saavad nautida päikest, merd ja mitmesuguseid veespordialasid. Linnas on ka ajaloolisi vaatamisväärsusi, sealhulgas Püha Andrease klooster ja võluv vanalinna linnaosa. Iskele on tänu rahulikule atmosfäärile ja looduse ilule atraktiivne sihtkoht neile, kes otsivad rahulikku puhkust.
  • Küprose idarannikul asuv Famagusta on põnev sihtkoht, mis on tuntud oma rikkaliku ajaloo ja kaunite randade poolest. Seda kunagi kaitsnud iidsed linnamüürid on ikka veel alles ning seal on hästi säilinud vanalinn koos ajalooliste kirikute, mošeede ja võluva arhitektuuriga. Linna uimastavad rannad, nagu Palm Beach ja Salamis Bay, pakuvad lõõgastavat rannikupuhkust. Ärge jätke vahele Lala Mustafa Pasha mošeed, endist gooti katedraali, ja Salamisi varemed, iidse Rooma linna märkimisväärseid arheoloogilisi aardeid. Famagusta pakub külastajatele avastamiseks veetlevat segu kultuurist ja looduse ilust.
  • Bafra on rannikulinn Küprose põhjaosas. Bafra asub kauni rannajoone ääres ja on tuntud oma kaunite kuldse liiva ja selge veega randade poolest, mis teeb sellest populaarse sihtkoha päikesesõprade ja veespordiharrastajate jaoks. Piirkond pakub ka segu moodsatest kuurortidest ja ajaloolistest paikadest. Külastajad saavad tutvuda iidse Rooma linna Salamisi varemetega. Bafra on ideaalne koht, kus saab nautida lõõgastavat mereäärset puhkust ja samal ajal tutvuda Küprose rikkaliku ajaloo ja kultuuriga.
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Salamis Bay Conti Hotel
Based on 6643 reviews
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10:02 26 Jul 24
Although the hotel was crowded, we did not have any problems with sunbeds at the sea or the pool. In my opinion, it was successful and sufficient. Mr. Halil helped us a lot at the reception during our first visit, we thank him. Ms. Müge from public relations was also very solution oriented. I met her on the day I was going out. I wish I had met her before. The food was above average, so you can find something to eat at any time, but it also depends on your taste. But there was a serious rush and queue in the kitchen. I think this can be prevented with a few changes in the kitchen. The animation team was really successful, there were so many activities for both children and adults, day and night. All the staff were always friendly and hard-working. In this sense, I congratulate all the staff. We had a nice holiday, thank you 🥰💫
Nuket KarataşNuket Karataş
08:33 26 Jul 24
It is a very nice hotel that met all our expectations, where we had a very good holiday. We were very pleased with its spaciousness, sea, pool area, view, food, cleanliness, guest relations, affordability, and the fact that it is a structure that considers our comfort before us. We will come again and again!
Buket CulhaBuket Culha
06:00 26 Jul 24
It was a big and comfortable hotel, everything was very nice, the sea was very nice, the large pool was very nice, my choice, the food was delicious, the rooms were very clean, especially the guest relations and reception were really attentive, I was very pleased, thank you very much to all of them.I came for the 2nd time and will come again
berfin altayberfin altay
11:58 25 Jul 24
It is a hotel we prefer as a honeymoon hotel. The rooms are quite clean. There is no possibility of you going hungry at the hotel; there are different food and beverage services available at all hours of the day. All staff are very friendly and hospitable. Our Ets tour representative, Mr. Tolga, took very good care of us. At the time of check-out, the officer on duty, Mr. Resul, suggested that we should not send you away hungry, let's get you something for the journey. Famagusta center is 10 minutes away by taxi. The hotel's car service takes you to the center for a very reasonable price. We loved it, we will come again. July 25, 2024
Ahmet SününAhmet Sünün
06:54 19 Apr 24
I would especially like to thank the individual gentleman at the reception and one of the waiters who was always smiling and whose name I forgot to ask. Everything was perfect🙏
Erol TurnadoErol Turnado
21:57 18 Apr 24
We stayed at Salamis Bay Conti for 8 nights and it was wonderful! The hotel is extremely clean everywhere and is constantly being cleaned. The guests are mostly families and everyone is very pleasant. The staff is incredibly accommodating, polite and professional, especially Negin, Esra, Feyman and Helin!The meal was delicious! There was a variety of dishes every day.It is the first hotel I would visit again.Thanks for the great experience!
Nadine IflandNadine Ifland
20:02 17 Apr 24
We stayed in this hotel at the beginning of the season (April 1st - April 9th, 2024) and were more than thrilled! In terms of weather, we of course had a super warm and dry week so we were able to use and enjoy our time on site to the fullest! We only had a problem with the air conditioning in the adjoining building, but this was dealt with immediately by giving us a new room (in the main building)! Super fast service! The staff tried very hard everywhere and was always helpful and friendly! Although we had all inclusive, we can only rate breakfast and dinner as we never ate lunch! But both were great! Of course there was a lot going on at peak times and the background noise was accordingly, but you have to be aware of that! Eating romantically and in peace is simply not the case! There was a themed country evening every evening, which was also very clearly visible and provided with decorations! We really liked that, so the food didn't get boring after a week! That was really well done for an all-in hotel! The selection was always huge and the organization on site was great! Despite the many people, nothing was ever empty! Excellent! The selection of drinks, both non-alcoholic and alcoholic (cocktails), etc., were all original, no “mess” or cheap liquor! Just the way you want it as a guest! And they weren't thrifty with alcohol either :)! On the contrary, sometimes you had to order the cocktail in “light”, otherwise you could have gone to bed after two :)The evening program, the beach, the pool and the indoor facilities also deserve 5*****! The WiFi could have been better at the furthest points (loungers on the jetty/beach), but it was tolerable! By the way, you didn't have to decorate the loungers with towels at 6 a.m. like in Mallorca, there were more than enough for everyone! That was also a big plus! We can highly recommend the hotel!
Mehmet YurdakulMehmet Yurdakul
18:35 17 Apr 24
One of the few best hotels in Cyprus.
susan kimanisusan kimani
18:32 14 Feb 24
Enjoyed four nights in this hotel with family. Special thanks Rojbin who went out of the way to use the google translate to make sure we understood each other due to language barrier. Would definitely visit again.
17:43 05 Dec 23
Very nice resort for relaxation as well as sport. We stayed for 2 nights in the off-season and had a great experience. Very friendly hotel staff, who were always available for assistance. Great sport opportunities like indoor gym, pool, tennis and volleyball and a big buffet for every meal. Would stay here again
Hakan AHakan A
07:47 12 Nov 23
Extending heartfelt gratitude to the entire hotel team for the exceptional service during our stay. Impressed by the efficient handling of our needs, especially the swift resolution of the sauna equipment issue. The team's commitment to guest satisfaction is commendable. The impeccable service and hospitality have made our stay truly memorable. Considering your hotel for future travels. Thank you for the dedication and exceptional experience
nivixis nivixisnivixis nivixis
11:55 05 Oct 23
I recently stayed at Salamis Bay Conti Hotel with my family, and I have some mixed feelings about our experience.Let's start with the entertainment. The performances and animations left a lot to be desired. They often repeated every few days, and there were no show on Sunday. In general, the variety of animations was quite limited. Additionally, there was a lack of clear information for guests about the schedules and locations of these activities throughout the day.Now, onto the dining experience. Unfortunately, a significant portion of the food served was bland and lacked flavour. It's disappointing when you're looking forward to delicious meals while on vacation. Also, it was perplexing that one of the food kiosks near the pool was closed after just two days, and there was no explanation provided to guests.Safety concerns were also apparent. One pool area had no lifeguard presence, except for the water slides. This inconsistency in supervision was concerning.Furthermore, the hotel had a policy against taking food from the restaurant to enjoy by the pool or on the beach. This felt restrictive and limited our flexibility, especially when we wanted to bring some fruits or snacks with us to the beach.The Chinese restaurant, which required an additional fee of 15 euros per person, was a disappointment. The food served was almost identical to what was offered in the general dining area, which made the extra cost feel unjustified.Service-wise, the staff seemed unresponsive. We had to consistently flag down waiters for assistance, and they rarely approached us to inquire if we needed anything. Even when they cleared our empty glasses, they didn't ask if we wanted to order another drink.Housekeeping was also lacking. Our in-room fridge was never restocked during our stay, and there was even a time when our toilet paper wasn't replenished.On a more positive note, the beach was fantastic with crystal-clear water, and the reef with fish was a highlight of our stay.However, the nightclub and casino were a major letdown. Smoking was allowed inside, resulting in a heavy cloud of tobacco smoke that was quite unpleasant for non-smokers like myself.In summary, while there were some bright spots in our stay at Salamis Bay Conti, there were also several disappointing aspects, particularly concerning the entertainment, dining, service, and indoor smoking policy. It's a place with potential, but improvements are needed for a more enjoyable guest experience.
Emma TalEmma Tal
08:57 05 Sep 23
This hotel is great, stayed there for 6 days. probably the best value for money I have ever had. Beach is beautiful, pools are great, the entertainment staff is perfect, lots of food and drinks all day every day. I gave it a 4 because I feel like food was not amazing, you can find tasty stuff but most of it was disappointing. Also some of the staff is great, and welcoming and friendly (house keeping, entertaining staff) but much of the staff is just not friendly at all (check in staff and manager, bartenders and food makers in pools area).
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